Welcome to the Shin-Nihon Anime Diversity Page
Designed by Andy Lin

Coming to you from Toronto, Ont., Canada.
Visitor count , created July 21 1996.

Use your browser's Swiss or Arial font,
set your monitor to 800*600 resolution (or better),
and activate Wavetable sound for best results.

Updated and/or Revised: Sept. 1, 2000

The original voice actresses of the Sailor Scouts (image provided by Yoshiaki Hôgaku)
Azabu Juban-cho, Minato Ward, Tokyo, Japan (current residence for Naoko Takeuchi).

Hikawa ShrineJuban-cho Store
Juban CoreMichie Tomizawa - Rei Hino
These real-life Juban images (and MIDI on this page) from .

Normal + Graphics
Have fun !!
Main-frame version
Original Have fun ! Main-frame

Welcome to my homepage. I'd like to thank the many visitors who've been awed (literally) by its unique content (not to mention that this is the ONLY website of its kind for which most of the pages within are MIDI-spiced). I've been an anime fan for most of my life (even though I'm more of a maverick than a fan). I hope you'll enjoy your time here. This homepage is usually updated every few days (or sooner), so be on the lookout for it. Oh, if your modem is slow, just deactivate your browser's auto-image loader function (let the page and MIDI be loaded first, then you can load in the images). Have fun ^_-.

Interesting Anime
Anime Art Gallery
Dilbert's Funny Page
Dragon Ball
International Links
The MIDI Archive
Humor Page
The OMG Project
Anime Parodies
Ranma 1/2
Rock & Roll Jokes
The Anime Ryokan
The Anime Tour
Of Japan
Magical Knights
The Simpsons
Samurai Pizza Cats
The Special
of Escaflowne
The Spice Girls
Laffs Page
Starfox SM
Star Wars Funnies
Tenchi Muyo
Tokyo Anime
The Digimon
The City
of Toronto
Tranquility Park
Web Rings
Web Sailing
The X-Files
The SM
Humor List
Yohko's Room

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Produced by Andy Lin (C): 1996-2000
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