Name's ABET , pronounced as it's spelled, accent on the 'A'. Crazy for tennis though it's not as crazy for me. Love food, any sort. Yup, except apples , avocadoes (yuck!) , strawberries , and s t r a n g e - c o l o r e d stuff! You can write to me at abet@evoserve.com. By the way, I'm into information systems management. Drives me crazy lots of times, but I love it anyway.
MY EMAIL SIGNATUREWork Sites... Helping Me Make a Living
Pan Pacific Computer Center - Where I belong (limited availability only...) Grepalife - Our mother company's home page Oracle Home Page - Oracle is our main database engine International Oracle Users Group - Keeping in touch with other Oracle users worldwide Sun Microsystems Home Page - We have an SC2000, SS1000's, SS20's, SS10's Life Insurance Network - Life insurance matters Microsoft Home Page - It's Bill Gates' world Novell Home Page - Novell links us up Evolution Services Home Page - These guys provide us a window to the internet
My Favorite Christian Sites
Bread of Life Ministries
- Bread of Life Web Site, now fully operational Gospel Communications Network - Has a great search engine and has links to other Christian organizations Saddleback Valley Church - Check out Rick Warren's weekly Fax of Life
Institute of Christian Leadership - Rich in Christian links and resources David Wilkerson - Try this shortcut to his home page via ICL Forerunner/Media House International - Online Christian Publications...very rich in content Radio Bible Class - My Utmost for His Highest online! Best of the Christian Web - An index to the best Christian sites
Sites That Help Me in Some Way
Excite Search - My favorite search engine Web Crawler - My next favorite search engine Hotmail - My email helper whenever I'm away from home World Alumni Network - Keeping in touch with former schoolmates Today's Weather in Manila - Plus a satellite picture of today's weather in the Phils Who Where? - Maybe you can find a long lost friend through the net? Rain's Chat Page - My favorite...because he's my friend Honda Owner's Manual - Got to take care of that thing that carries me around Internet Dictionary - Helps me sort out those weird internet terms
Sites I Find Interesting
For the Love of Mathematics - After all, I'm a BS Math graduate Fibonacci Page
- Does the mathematical series 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,... interest you? Voyager 1 & 2 - A fascinating 30-yr NASA project to explore our solar system Tennis Info - I love this sport Year 2000 Home Page - So what's the big deal about the new millenium? The X-Files - Fox and Dana's page
Pinoy Ako!!!
Boracay - Great island for me Business World - The Philippines' premier business newspaper online University of the Philippines - My beloved alma mater Philippine Science High School - The unofficial Pisay directory ABS-CBN - Channel 2 online Filipinas Magazine - Proudly Filipino Mabuhay Philippines!!! - Filipino business on the internet Malacanang Home Page - Check out our seat of government or email President FVR
/^^^\ Abet. Abs. Bet. Ma. Beatriz A. Adversalo | o o | Abski. Abetski. Ayvet. Pan Pacific Computer Center | \_/ | Alberta. Beatriz. 221 Gil Puyat Ave, Makati, Phils \___/ http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/5528
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