Abet Adversalo's Crude Home Page
Abet's Signature Boracay Shirt


Beautiful Boracay Island Philippines!

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Rotating Earth Smiling Face

Abet Adversalo's Crude Home Page

My apologies... I rarely have time to work on this home page so please bear with me. If some links don't work, it's not entirely my fault. By the way, you are visitor no. on my page.


Name's ABET , pronounced as it's spelled, accent on the 'A'. Crazy for tennis though it's not as crazy for me. Love food, any sort. Yup, except apples , avocadoes (yuck!) , strawberries , and s t r a n g e - c o l o r e d stuff! You can write to me at abet@evoserve.com Envelope . By the way, I'm into information systems management. Drives me crazy lots of times, but I love it anyway.


Work Sites... Helping Me Make a Living

Pan Pacific Computer Center - Where I belong (limited availability only...) Grepalife - Our mother company's home page Oracle Home Page - Oracle is our main database engine International Oracle Users Group - Keeping in touch with other Oracle users worldwide Sun Microsystems Home Page - We have an SC2000, SS1000's, SS20's, SS10's Life Insurance Network - Life insurance matters Microsoft Home Page - It's Bill Gates' world Novell Home Page - Novell links us up Evolution Services Home Page - These guys provide us a window to the internet

My Favorite Christian Sites

Bread of Life Ministries - Bread of Life Web Site, now fully operational Gospel Communications Network - Has a great search engine and has links to other Christian organizations Saddleback Valley Church - Check out Rick Warren's weekly Fax of Life Institute of Christian Leadership - Rich in Christian links and resources David Wilkerson - Try this shortcut to his home page via ICL Forerunner/Media House International - Online Christian Publications...very rich in content Radio Bible Class - My Utmost for His Highest online! Best of the Christian Web - An index to the best Christian sites

Sites That Help Me in Some Way

Excite Search - My favorite search engine Web Crawler - My next favorite search engine Hotmail - My email helper whenever I'm away from home World Alumni Network - Keeping in touch with former schoolmates Today's Weather in Manila - Plus a satellite picture of today's weather in the Phils Who Where? - Maybe you can find a long lost friend through the net? Rain's Chat Page - My favorite...because he's my friend Honda Owner's Manual - Got to take care of that thing that carries me around Internet Dictionary - Helps me sort out those weird internet terms

Sites I Find Interesting

For the Love of Mathematics - After all, I'm a BS Math graduate Fibonacci Page - Does the mathematical series 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,... interest you? Voyager 1 & 2 - A fascinating 30-yr NASA project to explore our solar system Tennis Info - I love this sport Year 2000 Home Page - So what's the big deal about the new millenium? The X-Files - Fox and Dana's page

Pinoy Ako!!!

Boracay - Great island for me Business World - The Philippines' premier business newspaper online University of the Philippines - My beloved alma mater Philippine Science High School - The unofficial Pisay directory ABS-CBN - Channel 2 online Filipinas Magazine - Proudly Filipino Mabuhay Philippines!!! - Filipino business on the internet Malacanang Home Page - Check out our seat of government or email President FVR

 /^^^\  Abet. Abs. Bet.           Ma. Beatriz A. Adversalo
| o o | Abski. Abetski. Ayvet.    Pan Pacific Computer Center
| \_/ | Alberta. Beatriz.         221 Gil Puyat Ave, Makati, Phils
 \___/  http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/5528

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Fish Symbol For God so loved the world that He gave His One and Only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)

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