Welcome !!!


Stephen's Personal Page


This page will features extensive and up-to-date Internet links of SAN FRANCISCO 49ERS all year.

In addition to satisfy all those Niners Die Hard Fans, I will also use this homepage as an unofficial SuperMicro Technical Support Web Site. (FYI: SuperMicro is one of the best motherboard for PCs)

I will try to post as many lock-up solutions, information, reviews and tricks to enhance performance as possible.

I hope this site will become an interactive media for Niners fans and SuperMicro users. In order for me to achieve my goal, your comments, inputs, and suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Please email me at patra@ix.netcom.com

Looking forward to hear from you....... BE COOL!

Here is my Hot Links: 

dedicated to:

commitment to excellence



This site is still under construction. I do intend to finish this site as soon as possible, however due to time constrain the process will take longer time than I expected.

Please be patient and thank you for coming ;)