Hey ppls! I'm back! =) Well, as promised, the section concerning Linda: In The News... is up! It sure took me long enough, but I hope you enjoy them... There will be more to come...=)
Linda Linda...World of Wong Hing Ping Cool site...Danny's a funny guy =D
Linda Wong Brian did a fine job! =)
Linda Wong's Gallery Pictures!
Linda Wong's Home This site should work...though I think it's http://testarossa.bc.ca...or something like that...=S
Asia Vision Linda H.P. Wong Gallery is up to version what now? ;) It can only get better! =)
Linda Wong Homepage not the most original name in the world, but it does have several original pictures that I have seen nowhere else.
Linda Wong Hinp Ping's Homepage '96 was created by Gary...though the first few piccies are the standard Linda-fare...it's worth looking into it some more...great pics Gary!
HKS: Linda Wong Page is a creation by Benjamin Liu. I must say...out of all the sites I've seen so far...this one is the ! EXCELLENT job Ben! (Sept. 30, 1996)
Michael Yuen's Hong Kong Superstars -- Linda Wong Hing-Ping is another new page. (Sept. 30, 1996)
Absolute Linda Wong is a new page from Terry. Some of the sections don't work yet, but it shows great promise! (Dec. 2, 1996)
My Music Box is a superb page including RA SOUND CLIPS!, INTERVIEW VIDEO SEGMENTS!, and a small but excellent photo gallery! =) The only downside is that it is entirely in Chinese so...unless you have a BIG5 capable browser...it's all hunt and peck to find whatever it is you want. =( (May 13, 1997)
You are Lindaphile number ...courtesy of www.digits.com. =)
Please send all comments and inquiries to:
Ander Choi
GeoCities and CSUHayward
Email: achoi@envirolink.org
URL: http://LindaWong.home.ml.org
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