Miss Linda Wong Hing Ping

Picture of Linda!

MISS LINDA WONG...isn't she absolutely To Die For !?!?!?

What's New: I've got some new scans of Linda that I've collected from various newpapers in Linda Wong: In the News Again...! Sorry I haven't been keeping up with this page. But, I will have more new stuff for you to look at soon! Until then, keep your fingers crossed that nothing unforseen happens to me! ; ) - Ander

Welcome to Linda Wong's home. From now on, this page will be based at http://LindaWong.home.ml.org. New visitors, please bookmark this page. There will be new additions to this page almost as quickly as I can obtain Linda stuff...

This is my tribute to my most favoritess (there's that word again!) Chinese singer. I've revised the layout of the picture page so that it's nice and neat now...no more odd sized .gifs scattered every which way. Of course, the .jpgs posted here are just a smaple (hmmm...typo but it sounds kewl...smaple...yeah! smaple!) of all the Linda stuff in my room! This is just my little tribute to her. I will, of course, provide a little background for those of you that are unfamiliar with her work, but that will probably be the extent of things. When I scan more stuff...I'll put them up...based on my ability to scrounge up more disk space. This site is under perpetual development. New and exciting (at least I hope they're exciting to you too) things are coming your way... Thank you for your patience...=)

NOTE: Hey ppls! I'm back! =) Well, as promised, the section concerning Linda: In The News... is up! It sure took me long enough, but I hope you enjoy them... There will be more to come...=)

In the meantime, for your Linda viewing pleasure...I have a few I can post now...go to Linda's Showcase to see them or take a peek at her first picture book Catches or you can check out her Discography to see what she's done in the past 3 years... Linda, the Covergirl (added Sept. 24, 1996) has many magazine covers, some of which I have been able to find...more to come! =) The newest section to this site, Linda: In The News... (added Dec. 11, 1996) is now active! After she disappeared off the scene for what seemed like an eternity (at least it was for me!), she's back with a vengeance...and a new Mandarin Album! =)

If that's still not enuf...(yeah I'm sure it isn't; being a Lindaphile myself I know...) you can check out these pages dedicated to who else? LINDA!

Linda Linda...World of Wong Hing Ping Cool site...Danny's a funny guy =D
Linda Wong Brian did a fine job! =)
Linda Wong's Gallery Pictures!
Linda Wong's Home This site should work...though I think it's http://testarossa.bc.ca...or something like that...=S
Asia Vision Linda H.P. Wong Gallery is up to version what now? ;) It can only get better! =)
Linda Wong Homepage not the most original name in the world, but it does have several original pictures that I have seen nowhere else.
Linda Wong Hinp Ping's Homepage '96 was created by Gary...though the first few piccies are the standard Linda-fare...it's worth looking into it some more...great pics Gary!
HKS: Linda Wong Page is a creation by Benjamin Liu. I must say...out of all the sites I've seen so far...this one is the BEST! EXCELLENT job Ben! (Sept. 30, 1996)
Michael Yuen's Hong Kong Superstars -- Linda Wong Hing-Ping is another new page. (Sept. 30, 1996)
Absolute Linda Wong is a new page from Terry. Some of the sections don't work yet, but it shows great promise! (Dec. 2, 1996)
My Music Box is a superb page including RA SOUND CLIPS!, INTERVIEW VIDEO SEGMENTS!, and a small but excellent photo gallery! =) The only downside is that it is entirely in Chinese so...unless you have a BIG5 capable browser...it's all hunt and peck to find whatever it is you want. =( (May 13, 1997)

There are more links but these were the best done so far...many of the links I tried no longer existed...if I find anymore, I'll be sure to post them. =) If you find a new link or think I should include one that already exists on my list...please mail me...'cuz I wanna check out what's new with Linda too!

NOTICE: Due to lag in loading of the first page of Linda's Showcase, I have reinstalled thumbnails for that page and Page 4. Sorry for the inconvenience...

You are Lindaphile number ...courtesy of www.digits.com. =)

Please send all comments and inquiries to:

Ander Choi
GeoCities and CSUHayward
Email: achoi@envirolink.org
URL: http://LindaWong.home.ml.org

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Established March 3, 1996. Last revised on May 13, 1997. All rights reserved. © NeCrOfiles Publishing, Ltd. 1996,1997