Hi hi!! Congratulations! You've found your way to the Tendou Household!
Obviously, if you located this sassy site, you have good taste..in
fact you are among the few elite people to have found this place!
I know there are some nasty rumors about me being an extortionist
going around, but don't believe a word of it! Everyone knows that
I've never done a thing like that in my life! Oh yea...I almost
forgot! There is a toll charge of ¥500 for visiting this links site
and a service charge of...
Brand Spanking new! Check out my other homepage with slightly resembles mold! Here you go...go on...enjoy it! DO IT!!! Just because you don't like it doesn't mean you have to be ungrateful...you could at least try it...Good gir..bo...it.
My sis!
Ah, my ever loving sister, Christine, who has helped me so much in the
creation of this page...I devote to you one page...although you'll
have to share it with Mappy. (Even though Mappy's part is larger than
yours...he comes after you!!)
Hey!! I have to kewlest picture on the face of the earth! Really! You
really ought to come and see it!!! Please!!! Here...just touch my
heart and you'll be right there!
People sometimes say I, (can you believe this?) Nabiki Tendou, only
think about myself! Ha! This isn't true! And to prove it to you, I
will show you my friends who will utterly disagree with those morons!
Yes, I have devoted my precious time and effort into creating a page with links to
their glorious homepages! Now what do you have to say about that? hm?
No, I didn't pay them off...grr.
I know I
know...Nabiki is Japanese, but
*I* am not. Yes, it causes some conflicts, but they are easily overcome
by the power of my wit! Anyways, bear with me while I take the time
to get back to my Korean roots. Silly how I'm forced to do such things,
isn't it? Well, Korean music fans, here you go. Some nice links for you
to enjoy. RooRa, Us, whatever. Have fun doing whatever it is normal
Korean people do. (I think it's rather obvious that I'm not normal!)
Well, here you go! I link to my page of interesting things on the net.
Yes, you too can become a like me. Just go to each of these sites and
study them carefully. If you would truly like to become one of my
slaves, you can email me!!
Alright, Erin, here you go...
This part of my page is devoted to my sweet and lovable E-chan! Yea...whatever. Although I was going to help him make his own page, his lack
of knowledge in the ways of site creation and his constant pleas conviced me to just make
it for him, even though he hates my name. =Þ Besides, according to him, I'm his 'soul mate'.
And since I wasn't about to waste my time getting another url, I'm just
adding this to MY page! hm hm! And thus! Her page expands to phenomenal
size! This is for you, darling. ~Suuchan

You want to...WHAT!?!
You want to learn about me, eh? Well, here you go, a litle bit of insight
into the mind of the demented child who created this site.
Or...you can just mail me!!! please please please!!
Links? You want Links? Aren't you happy with the ones I've already given
you!? I mean, look at this page! It's gorgeous!! Ungrateful little...
hmph. After all the work I've done to bring you this...you want to leave and
go to some *other* page. Fine, because I'm nice...and you did look at my
page, I'll let you have some links.
Ranma Universe
Ranma Links Around the World
Maison Ikkoku
Sanrio Homepage
SD Anime Archive
The Cute Page
Evangelion Links
Sailor Moon Nexus
Tenchi Muyo
Kiki's Anime Image Service
Nabiki Shrine
Video Games!!
Korean music!!
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