HI! I'm Yuri your host!!
I was born on Nov. 25, 1982!! Dirty Pair=Yuri, Ronin Warriors/Samurai Troopers=Rowen/Touma,
Sailor Moon=Sailor Mercury , Rayearth=Umi, Iczer 1= Iczer-One, A-ko=A-ko , those are just some of my favs!!
That was a pic of my fav Lovely Angel, ME! Yuri!
And that is Yuri's parther Kei.
You are the
person to vist my page!!
So as you may know now I'm Yuri! Yuri Lim Sweet! One of the Lovely Angels! & head member of the offline Ronin Warriors / Samurai Troopers fan club!
If you want to join just write to:
INFO DUMP! I write fan fics! if you would like to read one or more write to me useing the above address! Rowen's BIG secert. Meet the LOVELY 3!! Kei's date with Sage. Yuri & Rowen first date. Cye's big heartbreak. Too SMART! FIGHT! Shapphire has a crush on Cye. & many more! Ok, here's info on the Lovely 3! Cammy Min Solov / Cory Lee Emerson / Shapphire Ai Daytona. Cammy's pet female white tiger Crystal Blaze. Lovely 3 /Trouble-some Trio. WWWA. Lovely Angels / Dirty Pair. Kei Mian Toris / Yuri Lim Sweet. RW / ST /Killer 5. Rowen Hashiba/Touma Hashiba. Sage Date/Seiji Date. Cye Mori/Shin Mori. Kento Lei Fan/Shu Lei Fan. Ryo Sanada/Ryo Sanada. PAIRS! Rowen & Yuri. Sage & Kei. Cye & Shapphire. Kento & Cory. Ryo & Cammy. White Blaze & Crystal Blaze.Oh! ya! All 5 girls are part of a Retrothrash band called Cory & the Rebals.
all 5 girls make up the : Ronin Battle Angels / Lovely Samurai Angels
if you own a web page! put my page on your links page!!!
Links to other sites on the Web
Xcaliber (my friend)
Super Sailor Mercury aka Ami, my other site!
The Ronins Home. by my friend Mrs. Strata, Sara.
Anime Web Turnpike
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