to the Round Table of Anime!
Our quest
is to bring all people right and just sources of Anime
info, guides, links, resources, etc. We will free the
Otaku from the serfdom of the internet and will battle
against the evil forces of tyranny, suppression, and the
censorship of Anime. We believe that all otaku are
created equal and have certain inalienable rights, among
these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of Anime.
"Welcome to Y2K-O-T-A-R! Your anime leader to the new millenium"
Update: October 19, 1999
If you'll
excuse us, we decided to try out something new. The page
will now be narrated by Melanie mainly, with an
occasional comment from one of us. Please bear with us if
you experience any difficulti--

It's not that bad!"
What's new, you ask? Why are you asking me?!? I
don't know... It's
not like I work with them or anyth*...
... Oh yeah, huh I do. oopsie...
- Anime Drawing guide linked
- Sample list for Anime Budokai!
- Reviews page updated
Here's some of what you can look forward to:
- More reviews
- A newsletter!
- New fanfiction, written
cooperatively by the Knights.
- A shrine to ME, Melanie-chan.
It's about time too!!
This neat little number thingy
says you are otaku #
to visit me, uh, I mean us!
Our Valiant Knights of the Anime
'Round: -Valiant?- Do you really think that
applies here? "JUST SAY IT!" okay, okay...
Sir Fireball XIII
- Sir
Fireball the XIII : Want to find something related to
anime on the net? Well Sir Fireball will take you on a
journey that will last for a great time. Lots of links to
pages and sites that are well done and deserve to be
listed. No net.garbage here. -What's net.garbage?- "Just
read the script!"
- Sir Ranma
: Need to find something related to a specific title?
Well Sir Ranma knows the just ways to find them. If your
title matches his, then your in luck, you can join him on
his journey to the realm of quality resources. Current
title: Video Girl Ai; Ranma as always, has a permanent
place here. -Well duhh... it's only named Ran -OUCH!-
- Lady Akane:
Our newest member has traveled not only to the edges of
the cyberscape but possibly to other dimensions as well!
She resides in the secret land of kettles and mallets,
known only as "HammerSpace," and brings you
information regarding such. Also hidden in the depths of
this realm are Washuu, Kiyone, a strange guide to Sailor
Moon and Lady Akane's many writings. -I'm gonna have to
ask her about that mallet thing-
- Sir
Blackbird: Our resident storyteller (though by no
means the only one), after having gone through an
identity crisis, is again willing to entertain you as
well as inform you. Visit his page and learn of the
troubles of Tenchi Masaki, or read the tales of Ranma Z,
Interesting Times, or any number of others. -
Um...Blackbird? What
happened to Ryoga?
- Sir
Sanjiyan: Our resident expert on the realms of Anime
RPG "video games," Sir Sanjiyan has collected a
vast library of music scrolls from near and afar. After a
through cleaning of his cave, we discovered chest filled
with wonderous and rare musical scrolls. This along with
a few scrolls that have been posted back up will keep
your ears begging for more. -- TURN IT UP AND DANCE!!
- Lady Belldandy: Our newest member. She has one of the best fan-sub directories. Lately has been working really hard to find information on the lesser known anime. Latest project: Nurse Angel Ririka. -Saw that anime, reminded me of Sailor M- Hey I was only kidding.
more about the Knights]
Notary from Sir Sanjiyan: It is sad to bid a
fond farewell to our former Knights Sir Reaper and Sir Collin.
We've just received word that while journeying on their mission,
both of them were attacked by what turned out to be some sort of
gravity bomb. While there is no way to confirm that this
happened, we've received no word from them since then. To make
things worse, we got a letter from our insurance agency informing
us that getting insurance for a person who's tower was unlucky
enough to get stuck by lighting will cost us a fortune
(mmm…at least we don't have a Sir Ataru).

Index of the 'Round's resources:
- Images:
This page features a gallery of random anime series and
- Fanfics
- Resources
- Links:
Herein you will find some of the best pages around on a
number of popular series.
- Reviews:
Here we present reviews of various anime series, OAVs,
movies, and whatever else seems appropriate.
- Multimedia:
This page has MIDI files and some other nifty stuff.
- Chat
room: You asked for it, now you have it. The Knights'
own chat room!
Special Features
- Anime
Budokai: The Anime Budokai is a fanfic describing a
tournament featuring many of the greatest warriors from
anime. And, as a special bonus, you the fans get to vote
on the results.
- The
Art Form of Miyazaki: Sir Sanjiyan plays the art
critic in a look on Miyazaki and his works.
- 3x3
Eyes In-depth Review: More extensive than the
other reviews, Sir Sanjiyan relates what inspired his
- Unusual
Anime Sites: Lady Akane reviews some of more interesting
anime pages on the Web.
- Ninja
High School OVA: Otaku unite! Now the popular comic
series from Ben Dunn has a chance of becoming an OVA!
Read about it here to find out how you can help.
- Anime
drawing guide: Ever wanted to learn to draw Anime?
Never found anybody to teach you? Nothing on the internet
to guide you? Well look no further! We have put up our
own guide to drawing anime, taught by Sir Fireball, so
that our visitors can learn to draw as well.
The Knights are participating in

Please vote! (Preferably for us ^_^).
DISCLAIMER: All characters, products,
and series used here are tradmarked by their respective
companies. No credit will be given nor taken to any of the
members of the Anime 'Round, for anything on this page, exept for
the documents which they created themselves. No fees will be
asked nor accepted from anyone that views this page, we are not
trying to use this site for money or any other kind of
profit. Yes, yes, blah blah blah...
E-Mail the Knights of the Anime 'Round:
We are always glad to hear whatever you might have to say to
us about our pages and their contents, or anything else you might
have to discuss (especially if it's praise! "Quiet
Melanie!" alright, sheesh...). If your business is
with the Knights as a whole, write instead to kotar@hotmail.com.
Header Illustration and "Melanie"
provided by Sir Fireball the XIII Chat room provided by ChatPlanet Sign
Our Guestbook - View
who else has quested here. - L PAGE
![[Melanie-chan!]](AniMelanie.gif) |
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Thanks for coming! Bye bye!