The Abode of Laughter

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Alvin's Homepage

SCU demoWelcome to my homepage! I work for Stanford University in the Network Operations group. Check my "photos" section to see a couple snapshots of my co-workers.

As you can see from the picture to the left (from the 1992 Santa Clara University Lunar New Year Celebration...that's me on the left, my brother in the middle, and John circling around me on the stage), I like practicing martial arts. Currently I mostly practice Wu Style Taijiquan (a Chinese style also romanized as T'ai Chi Ch'uan) and a bit of Che style Xingyiquan, but I still do a little Kali-Silat (a Filipino/Indonesian style based on weapons fighting) now and again.

Other pastimes include RPGs (Star Wars d20), playing Sony Playstation games, and reading assorted books. I've still got my finger in various books on comparative mythology, Jungian psychology, and Chinese history, as well as the odd novel or two.

Once upon a time, I used to do some pencil sketching. You can find a few of them in my "drawings" section. Perhaps, someday, I'll get back into stretching my artistic muscles. But until then, my main hobby continues to be the martial arts.

I've removed the "Updates" section that used to be on this page, since I found that I wasn't actually noting all my updates there.  Besides, I doubt anyone actually looks to see what I've updated anyways.   I've also decided to put up "work-in-progress" pages as well since I'm not sure when I'll actually be able to finish them.  Anyone who stumbles across my page shouldn't be expecting spit and polish anyway.  That being the case, pull up a chair and browse my pages freely and often - the content will change and grow without warning!