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Introducing the new personal website of beyondforest.
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Are you looking for MP3? Well, check out these links. (include chinese, japanese and english songs)
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Learn about guitars, check out the tabs and other related guitar stuffs in here.
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Download section introduces the sharewares and demos you can get directly via internet.
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Get those cheat modes, trainers and walkthrough for that particular game you are playing right now!.
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Searching for a particular desktop themes?
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Personal page tells about myself. With lots of wonderful and interesting photos of the nature which will be online soon.
Inform me if any of the links in my website cannot be access.

Please log into Reccer's Official Homepage Online, another effort by beyondforest - a dedication to his fellow coursemates. It is also a site where you can get information about the nature (wildlife) and travelling guides around Malaysia.

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