Welcome to my Web site! This site is best viewed at 800x600 Res. I have chosen to call this site the "Martial Way Website" or in Japanese the "Budo" website, because I hope this website will portray the different aspects of Budo as I view it. I have created this website to share information on the Budo Karate of Mas Oyama (Kyokushin Karate), Ashihara Karate and Aiki-related arts. I have also included some links to other Budo related sites for good measure, so please make sure you check out my Links page. I created these pages only because of personal interest, and any opinions that might be on this page are mine. If there is anything that you feel is portrayed incorrectly please feel free to email me with any comments. The Kyokushin Karate Page will contain information about the founder Mas Oyama and the style of Budo Karate he created. I'm sure none of the information contained on this page is new to the Kyokushin practitioners out there, but it might be helpful for people curious about this style. In the Ashihara Karate Page, I will try to provide some information on this Karate style. On my Aiki-page, I will try to upload infromation I have gathered on the internet as well as other sources on the subject of Aikido and Daito-Ryu The Links page is currently up and running, and you should at least have some fun surfin' the net while I get my things organized! My goal is to be able to provide you with some useful information that might even surprise me! I am going to at least edit most of the information myself, and who knows maybe I will upload some of my own notes. However, please note that I am in no way an authority on these subjects, and if there are any issues you would like to bring up, or perhaps a correction on what's on these pages I would definately appreciate your feedback. Anyway, I hope you enjoy your stay and if you have an article or some notes maybe you can share it with us on this webpage? As this webpage is currently under construction, there isn't a whole lot of information available. If you have any comments or suggestions regarding this webpage please feel free to E-mail me. This page was last updated on 11/20/97.
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