Dragonball Z: Planet Vegeta

Past, Present and Future

This is the greatest epic that has ever been created. No man has ever been able to incite the imagination that Dragonball Z has. Many of us may know of our beloved heroes (all correct japanese translations): Bejiita, Son Gokuu, Torankusu , Son Gohan, Piccolo, Son Goten, and Buroli. Many of us have come to love and fear each of these characters. We have seen Gohan grow up, we have seen Bejiita go from an arrogant fool to having his heart opening when his Majin Buu threatens to destroy all that he has loved. We have seen the silent Torankusu from the future, and we have seen the boy who's life he came back to save. We have seen Piccolo go from a devil into being of the most beloved characters and mentor for almost everyone in the series, and at last Gokuu, we have seen him die and be brought back to life numerous times, each time stronger and always with the same innocence he was born with; he is the epitomy of the pure of heart , he is the defender of all those who need it: his friends, his family, and his planet. I , and others , have never felt the type of joy that we felt when Gohan went to level two, or when Bejiita sacrafices his life for those he loves, and when Gokuu killed himself to save everyone from the onslautght of Selu. I will give indepth profiles of each character that many have

Links to other sites on the Web

A great story involving Vegeta (hint:Sayajin level three).
Great links, cool picture .... What else could you ask for.
another great one .. trust me you'll love this one.
Summaries of the Dragonball Z series
Hey guess what... another link
You know this site is good, so why not visit.

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