Welcome to Rayearth Fire Temple

'When crisis fall in Cefiro, knights are summoned from the other world, and holding their swords made of Eskudo,
they revive the legendary Mashin and turn into Magic Knights'
Welcome to the Rayearth Fire Temple! Again I have changed the design of the page to make it cooler. And I have put some of the lyrics for MKR music and added more information for the OVA page. This page is still under construction, so if you can't see an image, or reach a dead-end, or thinks that I need more images and info, pleeeease e-mail at rayearth@geocities.com.
[Informations] [Characters Profile] [Music] [Images] [Story] [OVA] [Links]
page by Edgar Kenji Yamamoto

Last Update => December 18th, 1997
This page is best viewed with 800x600 resolution or greater.
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