TuxedoKamen's Homepage

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Hi, I'm Eric Manalo, and I'm an alcoholic. Kidding.) (well, maybe not.) I live in Jersey City, NJ and I'm a spod. Just for clarification... a spod is one who sees the sun come up from the terminal he's been sitting on for the past 7 hours or so.

From that, I am considered a spod or something. But it's a living.

I spend a fair amount of time on "talkers." I'm usually on Majick as Ranma. My very first talker was the Tower. You just have to check it out for yourself!

I'm also on these other talkers:

Kama Sutra(I'm Adonis there),

Aardwolf (a MUD),

Vineyard (Ranma there),

and Legacy of the Damned (Samuel there)

Well, that's all for now. This page is always under construction, so keep an eye out for new things!

My delightfully SMALL links page!

Pics page: (BEWARE: I am not responsible for any mental disturbances you may recieve during the viewing of these pictures.)

When honor loses all meaning...

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