
That's right. I know I promised all of my visitors that I would come back one day, but I really don't think it's possible. No, no...it's not closing. I'm keeping this page alive because I feel that it has a _lot_ of information that 99% of the SM webpages out there BARELY offer. Plus, I've worked extremely hard on it, and I'de feel like crap if I just put it away. This is just a message telling you that there will be little if _any_ updates concerning this page. I don't hate anime, but it has become such a minor priority in my life at the moment. I really wanted to make a new layout, really I did, but this is as new as it's going to get. I would like to apologize to Maddie, as well, for being mean to her, but we had a discussion and I find that everything has worked out OK. This image was used with permission from a great guy named Brian who owns the super SM fan-art page, Ginzuishou Plus. I would like to thank everyone that supported this page and everyone that linked to it. Even the flamers...=D

OK, OK...Enough of that BS! Let me IN!

A brief warning: this page contains profanity, hates Hentai-FREE, WC20, SOS, DiC, and also contains some extremely biased opinions. If any of these things make you nervous, just hit the little "x" button at the top right-hand corner of your screen to make it all go away. =)

Sailormoon Country is part of the Eternal Senshi Alliance and the Anti-DIC Confederation.