Matthew Cary
June 1st, 1999
A fun page about a cartoon show

Endyminion's Sailor Moon Page

"In the name of the moon, I shall punish you!"
                                - Sailor Moon

The Dashing Tuxedo Mask

Welcome! I'm your host, Endyminion, and I hope your stay is a pleasant




Moon Links

Quick Overview of Sailor Moon Story

If you aren't familiar with Sailor Moon, click here
for a quick overview of the story.

ANALYSIS of Sailor Moon's popularity

Why has Sailor Moon gathered such a large and loyal
fan club? What makes this show so unique and special?

TESTIMONY of Sailor Fans

Moving stories of dedication and
love from the fans themselves.

Rumors of Sailor Moon Movie in Variety Magazine!

The Geocities Sailor Moon Community

My extensive guide of links to the Geocities Sailor Moon
Community. Great way to see what other moonies in Geocities
have done.

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Sailor Moon Ring of Power

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Want to join the ring? Click here for info.

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