Welcome to Seng Lin's Penang Centre Online. This page has just been launch on the 12th
of March, 1998. Well, I would just use up some of this space here to introduce this site to you.
This site is actually my own personal homepage. Still, I added in some topics regarding my background and
my home place, Penang which is a state in Malaysia. Hence, I hope I can provide those Penangites (overseas) out there news from Penang Island.
I would really appreciate some feedback from you concerning this site.
Thank you. Seng Lin
The webmaster himself... Want to know more about the maintainer
of this website? Well, he is actually...
The Pearl of The Orient Know about one of the most facinating place
in the world.
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Updated on the 16th March, 1998
Reviewed on the 10th August, 2003
Reviewed again on the 7th July, 2004
Reviewed again on the 24th May, 2006