Please note this page is still under construction. I am preparing something special to my friends, and some services to all of those who reach this site.
My full name is FRANCISCO ASSIS DE SOUZA. I was born in Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil. Since my teens I felt leaned to the English language as spoken by the Americans - I am not sure I could mention an American language, from a pure linguistic point of view, as we all know there are radical differences between the British and American ways of speaking. But I also studied a few other important languages like French, German, Spanish, Russian, Esperanto, and Japanese. These are some of those I studied and in which I could still poorly make myself understood.
My first job was writing business correspondence to companies on foreign trade, exporters of Carnauba Wax and Hides & Skins. I was then vividly interested in developing the knowledge of technical vocabulary in English. And I should tell you that kind of work gave me quite a lot of experience not only on vocabulary as it let me begin learning about life itself.
Later on I had to go on using English as a tool for making my own living by working for steamship company agents as interpreter or translator on board foreign ships, teaching at private schools, or making written translations.
Since 1987 I've been working on data processing. I began learning how to build tables with calculations on spreadsheets which led me to building whole systems with consolidated tables. Then I gave my first steps on the text editor.
Now, I am working as a programmer for Fundação Cearense de Pesquisa e Cultura-FCPC, at Uiversidade Federal do Ceara-UFC, where I use MS Access 97 and Delphi 3.0 to develop applications. I will soon be upgrading my applications to support 32-bit environments. Great news! I came across Linux: the best operating system for PC and compatible computers. It is a multiuser, multitasking OS developed by Linus Torvalds and hundreds of volunteers around the world working over the Internet. It runs on several machine architectures. I use the RedHat and Suse distributions, which contain a full program development system, TCP/IP networking, and X Window System.
I learned about Free Home Page from my friend Oleg Mezjuev, a successful ragtime composer and enthusiast whom I met on IRC. If you like music, you will find very interesting midi recordings at his site! I take this opportunity to invite you to Geocities fascinating world!
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since June 16, 1996.
I would be pleased to reply to your e-mail messages.