This is my pagik man
this is the pic that this Crystal chic gave me so my page dun look like kraps

^Here's the man^
  • Character from El hazard
  • Age: I'll figure it out later
  • Height: check somewhere else
  • Weight: ?¿? lbs.
  • Why the hell he's there: the comedy relief man. (and to protect Makoto Mizuhara)
  • Superpower: able to whup ass.
  • Occupation: History Teacher @ Shinanome High
  • The only kick ass El Hazard character *notice* this is MY opinion

  • 12/18/97: Revamped the 1st page (entrance)
    (I finally noticed that people visited my page after a year of neglect. And this page was a piece of krap O_o)

    1/2/98: Starting to fix up the Pictures page.

    2/9/98: put up more pix.

    3/2/98: organized my pix pagik

    tomorrow: i'm gonna delete this update list

    OK!! i'm fixing this page right now! i haven't really went on the internet much for the last 5 months, cuz i got a life or somethin. now i moved again so it's the other way.
    I'M COMIN UP WITH SOUNDS, MORE PIX, SUMMARIES, and *MAYBE* some movie clips (depends if i can)

    shows my cheap talent of making pics
    Heres the list!  ...which isnt much
    Pictures These are the pictures I cropped from other Larger pictures. THIS IS THE ONLY COMPLETE PART OF MY PAGE, so you might as well go here cuz theres nothing anywhere else
    Sounds This thing isn't done yet. I don't got any sound recorded or nothing. My sound card is all messed up at the moment.
    Other peoples Ok, when i actually get some time i'll do this. (i told you this page is under construction!!!)

    .....what other stuff is there to put on anime characters?!

    "Ugh. Anime Fans."

    another krap line

    miscellany links and other debris

  • www.AnimeArchive.Org
  • El Hazard: The Magnificent World Pictures(place where i stole pix)
  • Jake's (Uncle Leon) El-Hazard Images(place where i stole MORE pix from)
  • Good El Hazard Pagik
  • This place is kool! it gots this big story thing that everyone gets a character and controls themselves thru El Hazard.

  • You can Sign my book.

    Or else look thru my 2 books
    (1st book 2nd book)
    and see people bashing on my pagik!
    (i love you all!)

    another krap line

    this site is like under like like like like like like fujisawa enhanced baby!HAHAHA!!!<-- ha! that thing is cool

    ==================== 3/15/97 ====================
    This counter makes me look good. :)

    mail me dangit!

    (BTW, sorry to everyone that mailed me before, and i never mailed them back, tiz cuz my comp crashed and i put a diff addy B4, cuz i dun want junk mail and i never checked it till 2 months laters)

    another krap line

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    another krap line
    ***Best viewed with Netscape 3.0/Microsoft 3.0 or higher. with a ........640x480 (kraps. i forgot to change it back to a 800/600)

    This page is ©1998 by Christy and can't be copied in anyway. All El Hazard images are registered by the Pioneer/AI© or whoever drew them