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Jeff Rients, Game Hooligan

Quote of the Moment

[Psycho Dave] was the only guy I know who used a random monster encounter chart for Call of Cthulhu. You haven't lived until you've had a character go mad because he saw a nightgaunt sitting in a restroom stall reading a copy of the Necronomicon.

-Al Bruno III
Most Quotes of the Moment come from the
RPG.net, The Forge or Places to Go, People to Be. View old quotes.

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Latest updates: Updated the Vintage Gaming links.

BattleTech | My Gameblog (hosted by tripod) | Carcassonne | Erol Otus Shrine (E.O. Shrine now hosted by tripod.)

Game logs: Winter War 29 report | Old friends visit | Miscellaneous game weekend | Winter War 30 pics | Winter War 31 report

Retro Nostalgia Type Stuff: Action Figures | Space Invaders | Xanadu (not the movie) | Skeletor

Gaming Links: Vintage Gaming | Shopping | Zines.

Miscellaneous Links (a.k.a. Jeff's Early Attempts to Make a Web Page Nigh Unreadable): Comix | Interesting People

About this site | Email me


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