
This is my starter page for IST 129 Web Page Design class Spring 2002. Im not quite sure what my Instructor wants on this page but when he specifies what he wants then I will have it all up here pretty quick. For right now Im going to leave some of but not all of my papers on this site because quite simply I can't afford to make and store the hardcopies (and keep them safe!) As always please read the disclaimer about use of the few sparse papers located here!

My Sociology Paper*

My Child Abuse Paper*

My CRJS Paper*

A Paper on the signifigance of Oranges and the color orange in the Godfather*

An English Essay on an Accident*

Why different Speech Paterns Occur*

My name is Graham.
Im a TKE and right now Im going to Northern Virginia Community College while I wait to ship ou tfor the Navy on March 18 of 2002
Basically this page will be updated almost never and nothing of any intrest will be here, so have fun =)

*By the way, if you choose to read my papers please do not plagerize them. I have no problem with using them as a resorce IF I am cited, thanks...

have a nice day

All Important (to me) List of Rants!
  1. *College got Boring... FAST
  2. *Finding a 'Good' Job is a real pain in the arse
  3. *TKEs Rule!
  4. *Remember You have to seperate the real shit from the bull shit.

    If you are interested in any more of my rambling, well whats wrong with you? How did you even find this piece o crap webpage? whenever Im bored or something I will work more on it... but for now.. That rarely happens...

    Brought to you in whole by: THE ALL KNOWING... ME!

Wanna email me? its MY email!
I might just respond to you!