Photoshop animation with ready pictures

  1. Prepare your pictures at least 2
    In my case, I uses videolan to capture frame from a movie.
  2. Take couple of them to form a smooth animation file. the more the better.
  3. Start selection. Use a dot rectengle sign.---
    see below black mark: save selection to save postion and size of the selection.
    and name it. after that copy: edit->copy. then, file -> new just press ok
  4. new one (UU) will show and paste. Right click and choose load selection to bring back the fixed size and position
  5. Repeat copy and paste to the same new one (UU).
  6. Bring an animation bar
  7. Hit add frame as much as the pictures you want to show. The example has five pictures. 1 -5. see the right box that say layer 0-5.
    as frame 1 hightlighted put one "the eye", then move to the next frame 2 and click on the eye bar to show the 2nd picture. and so on
  8. After finished see 0 second at the example. play with that to determine the right timing. then hit image ready as belowed picture
  9. Then at image ready, hit file->save optimized as-> gif extension.
  10. final product: