Dave's Wolf3d and SOD Page!

Dave's Page will return "Summer '99" More information available from the
Wolfenstein 3d Fanclub!

I leave you in the hands of my wolf-buddies!
Nate's Wolfenstein 3d Homepage
Mr. Lowe's Wolf3d page!
Herc's Super Chokage Page
B.J. Blazkowicz' Hideout
Wolfenstein Domain
Brandon's Wolfenstein 3D Page Of Cheat Hints And Stuff
Many of my friends also have wolf-sites, there is too many to list, more appear on The Club Links section! :)
To get you started on my future downloads section I offer two things.
Shareware Wolf :The original shareware that started the Wolfenstein phenomena. Contains 10 levels of Nazi-kicking action. Also many add-ons are for this version, get it while you can!
Spear Demo :The Spear of Destiny Demo contains two levels of action! Also as a bonus, a couple add-ons have been made for this version! Enjoy, much more to come later.
To get these add-ons visit the pages above!
uture home of the Wolfenletters, a complete alphabet of letters based on the id software and Wolfenstein Originals. Many weeks of work has been put into them ,and I guarantee to you, they are worth the wait. By the way, any set of letters out now will be blown away at the great quality mine will reflect! Wolfenstein Forever!
As many of you know, my original page was deleted off of Geocities. Since then, I have moved on to my club and starting this page over. The problem I ran into was, the Geocities Editor was the best one I knew how to use, and I had to crawl back to this decaying, festering, stinky, excuse for a web site provider. I will take this page and move it to Xoom or my new FTP when I am finished with the work and Dave's Page will return!!
I will cover MAC and PC just as always

I will also have Jaguar and SNES coverage as well as my normal Links, Downloads, Editors, Weapons, Add-ons, Enemies, and all that good stuff!!!
Winner of the BJ Blazkowicz Award!!

© 1998-1999 by D.J. Blazkowicz
E-mail me
ICQ me: 30235807
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Bye, Have a nice day! Come back soon!