


.:Road Rally Pics:.
.:Friends Picture Page:.
*NEW*.:Doggie Pics:.
.:Picture Galleries:.
*NEW*.:My Pictures:.
.:Short Story 1:.
.: Contact Me:.


.: Con
  :::: LATEST Site NEWS :::
January 8th, 2005

Ok supplimental to the changes below I added new computer art just finished it today. Back to artwork!-- Well Another year blew past us and more changes are in store for this website, there are a lot of little tweaks I've been meaning to do for a while. Now I have a little bit of time so they are getting done, the first major change is <-------the artwork gallery. Next.....well you'll see ;) *CACKLES!*
:.: Other NEWS :.:
Jan 18, 2003
-Eventually there will be more updates to fill up this center.
Just this time the Rant! section is pretty long. :)

I'll list what I've added.
-New artwork to the site (obviously.)
-Load page. (yesterday)
-Rant! section. -basically something that I just can't stand.Or something that is just so stupid I have to talk about it.

By talking about anything in the Rant! section hopefully it will breed interest and responses. Anyone can send in articles for Rant! I don't care about language. So Say what you say. If they try to silence the voice of the people, well I have backups of this site so let them delete me. I have freedom of speech.

Email me by care of the "Contact Me" link. If that doesn't work. PsychoticSmiley@hotmail.com  I do check my email.


Latest RANT!
One Person:

Barbara Streissand.

GAME Systems I now own.
starting from oldest to newest.
1. Snes.
2. Virtual Boy
3. Nintendo 64
4. PsOne *that little white one*
5. Dreamcast *still a great system!*
6. Ps2 *Recent addition*