
This is my, oh yeah, I am _Ashton_ (that is my icq nickname). As I was saying, this is my web page. It is the least I can do for pokemon!

Anyway, please take a look around. This site is new, so it will be better soon! POKEMON GOTTA CATCH'EM ALL!


Please, if you have a working Pokemon Gold or Sivler ROM, please email it to me at: samurai4ever@yahoo.com

However, do not email me Pokemon Gold/Silver ROMs that don't work! I will get mad if you do, and that is NOT good....


Links: Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Piranha Klan HQ (my Jazz Jackrabbit 2 clan's homepage...) Pokemon.com (the REAL pokemon page, though I have seen better non-nintendo pokemon pages...) The Ultamate Pokemon Network (a wonderful site, probably the best one...)

Downloads: Misty Game (no pokemon page is good without it!) Pokemon Blue emulated Game (you need an emulator for it) Smygmb emulator (for above pokemon blue game... duh) Pokemon Pinball (later to come)


News: 10/2/1999

Pokemon Pinball can now be downloaded, and so can Pokemon Blue! Yep, finaly! Plus, I will have the music up and running not to long from now. I also have added a new section... a PICTURE section!! ALL POKEMON ALL THE TIME AS OFTEN AS YOU COME HERE, YOU CAN SEE POKEMON PICTURES! ONLY THE BEST WILL PASS THE TEST, SO ONLY THE BEST PICTURES ARE ON MY PAGE!! Btw, I have changed the sign again. I made it an animation instead of a still shot...



This is my first update. I have added some links, two actually. I have changed the welcome sign. I uploaded the Misty game, so it is now downloadable. So is the Smygmb emulator, but not the Blue version emu game. I just found out that all Pokemon Gold/Silver ROMs are fakes, that is why I want one that works (actually, I knew for awhile, but never could admit it to myself because I wanted to think there was one...). :( . Now the reason, THERE IS NOTHING TO EMULATE YET! HAHA! NO ONE CAN EMULATE SOMETHING THAT IS NOT OUT YET!! Now for some good news... Pokemon is now showing on Kids WB (i think) and they are all new! I don't watch the show though... so I cannot tell you about the new ones.