Tonci Korsano Saavedra



Phone: (507)6778-8843 or (507)6665-0758 or (507)221-0759

Microsoft Certified Professional ID: 470697

MCP Transcript ID: 670558

MCP Access Code ID: 01011900

MCP Transcript Web Page:

Brainbench ID: 1846570

Brainbench Transcript Web Page:


 Cover Letter


My experience with database development starts in 1994, by working with Xbase files [DBase, Clipper and Foxpro]. I wrote programs in ANSI C, using Codebase 5.0, as the library to access XBase files. These programs ran in Unix a well as DOS. 


In 1996, I continued working with ANSI C and flat files. While working with C, I created a cgi, thus gaining my first exposure to Internet enabled applications. I used Borland C/C++ 4.0 and CGIC from Thomas Boutell to develop this web application. The web server was O'Reilly's over NT 3.51 server. 


In 1997, I started to use VB, DAO, RDO and ODBC, to create client/server applications. I was exposed to Dataflex, Access and MSSQL. That year, I also worked with idc/htx technology against MSSQL 6.5 and Access 95 and 97. Curiously, I went back to work with idc/htx again since April of 2001 while working at Ticketmaster. With MSSQL, I began to acquire exposure to stored procedures, views, cursors and triggers. 


From 1998 to 2000, I was working with ASP against SQL Server and Sybase; thus, I acquired knowledge of ADO and OLEDB providers. I also continued to work with VB, and I was exposed to ADSI, COM, ActiveX and Crystal Reports. During this time, I was also technical support for NT 4.0, Exchange 4.0, 5.0 and 5.5 and IIS 3.0, 4.0 and 5.0. 


At CCI and at Ticketmaster, during 2001 and 2002, where I worked as a SQL Developer and Database Analyst, I worked in performance/tuning and optimization using: SQL Profiler, Performance Monitor, Query Analyzer, TSQL Debugger and Index Optimization techniques. I have successfully uploaded data, from SQL Server, to Oracle and MySQL; thus, gaining exposure to MySQL and Oracle. ActiveX scripts for DTS and scheduled jobs have been common in that position. Since November of 2001, I have also worked in Active Perl scripts that call stored procedures from SQL Server with success. Tools that I used against Oracle are TOAD and SQL*Plus, and against MySQL mysql client, mysqladmin and MySQL Manager. 


In 2003 and 2004, I worked as an Applications Administrator. I dealt with Windows 2000 Server and Professional, IIS 5.0, Verisign Server Id Certificates, SSL Offloaders and the .Net Framework. For the .Net Framework, I worked with the configuration of machine.config and web.config files. I also dealt with the ASPNET account and services such as ASP.NET Session State and Network Load Balancing services. I also installed and configured Web and Windows services written using the .NET Framework. Finally, I wrote and configured Windows 2000 administration scripts in VBScript, and I did Networking and Sockets programming in C#. I had to work with ActivePDF DocConverter and IBM Director as third-party tools. 


From October 2004 to May 2005, I was actively involved in .Net Framework training and consulting. During this period, I was also a Whidbey Beta Tester. 


From May 2006 to July 2006, I was actively involved with SQL Server 2005 and Cold Fusion development. During this period, I also tested Cold Fusion components. 


From August 2006 to September 2006, as a freelancer, I worked on user-defined functions and stored procedures for data dictionaries for SQL Server 2000. I worked with XMI and XSD for SQL Server 2000 reverse engineering from Enterprise Architect. I also worked with XML documents from and Microsoft Office 2003 and XP. 


From February 2007 to November 2007, I worked as a Classic ASP, .Net Framework, T-SQL and PL/SQL programmer. Between February and April 2007, I worked with ASP and ASP.NET with SQL Server 2000 and Access back-ends. During this period, I was coding in Javascript, VBScript and VB.Net with T-SQL for SQL Server 2000 and ANSI SQL for Access 2000. Between May and November 2007, I was coding in Javascript, C# and PL/SQL. During this period, I made reports in Crystal Reports XI which were displayed in ASP.NET pages. Also, during this time, I wrote a Windows Service, with Visual Studio 2005, which made database calls to stored procedures and database functions in Oracle 9i and 10g, sent email and made entries in Windows Event Log. At the same time, I was coding Classic ASP pages with Oracle 9i and 10g as their back-end. I was a Senior Programmer for Programa de Las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo while I was coding in PL/SQL.


I am certified by Microsoft, Prove-It, Techprofiles and Brainbench.  I became an MCP in August of 1997.


In a few words, I am your best choice of more than 10 years of exposure with relational and non-relational databases, which includes: XBase, Access, MSSQL, Sybase, Oracle and MySQL, over NT 4.0, Windows 2000, XP and Windows 2003 and Unix environments. I am also extremely handy at web and client/server programming.




Click to download my resume in English.

Click to download my Curriculum Vitae in Spanish.

Last updated on Nov-17-2007