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Hi There....
  My Name is Dean Thorpe, I am 22 years old and I live In Ipswich,
  Which is the county town Of Suffolk..England.
Thats me there, the picture on the right, .bit of an old pic
   that but hey..I'll get some new ones up when I have some....
   They should be a little friendlier on the eyes too  :)
   What can I say? I just keep getting slimmer and better looking..
   well......it could hardly of got much worse could it :)

Statistics!.........even though 70% of statistics are made up....
   .....these ones aren't.....honest gov..

Hieght:  5 foot 7 inches aprox
   wieght: 13 and a half stone/ 189lbs aprox

  FAT OR MUSCLE? Bit of both really....mainly fat on the brain tho.
  Eye Colour: Yep, they have some colour  :)
  Er.....yeh lol.

Take Care and have fun.
Hiya Peeps!
Click to see other pics of me and co...
So What am I like??? U really wana know...??...

Ok, well........Im pretty friendly, a little shy but I can be extremely outgoing and fairly funny if
  I feel comfortable [and I dont mean if i am sittin in a nice chair...]

  Im not really a loud person, but im Fluint enough, a good conversationist, pretty inteligent, I
  will always put myself down before someone else.....in my eyes its more Important to make sure
  your friends are having fun and are Ok than to have fun yourself.......altho I like to find a happy
  medium...........shame some people don't bother.... *_*


Maybe I have difficulty letting things go....especially if I know i'm right........but more importantly
  if I don't think someone is being fair........if your gona tell me I'm wrong......back it up.....thats
  all i ask..........No! .....Expect. Its not like some people think though..........I would be happy to be proven wrong............u know
  why??.......simple.........cos then I would learn.......... thats exactly why I get pissed off when 
  people say I Always need to be right......if I am wrong tell me why......dont just get mad and
  ...............Cos I don't.........Maybe I was a bit much for a time though...i've chilled a lot lately
  though  :) 
Come on........u know u all love me really ...  :)
  I have VERY high moral standards........But don't confuse that with me being of any religeous
  faith or being anti this or anti that, im a fair person, I always see both sides of a story or an
  argument [aslong as there are 2 sides] And I can argue for both sides...which is why I feel i'm
  a good disscusionist, and well..............more often than not............RIGHT!  :)
Ok, enough of that I guess.....hehe, i'm a good guy, not a push over so dont even attempt to
  bullie me..........but if you are fair to me i'll be fair to you.........you shit on me and ...well...
   Just dont! [I mean...y would u want to?? im a genuinely nice, caring chap]


We all Like Music dont we? But there are so many different styles, and No two people like the
  exact same music at the same time, or all the same bands in a genre.
  Music is one of the worlds great dividers........and I would like to sit up here and say that I like all
  types of music and appreciate all artists.........but it simply would not be true.....

So what do I like?...
Well my music of choice is Rock, not really sure how to narrow it down to a more specific name
  but my very favourite bands at the moment are as follows...

Linkin Park, Wheatus, Limp Bizkit, The Offspring, Blink 182, Greenday, Nickleback, and Nirvana.

I also really like some stuff from...
Muse, Feeder, Spineshank, Slipknot, OPM, Ash, Papa Roach, Marilyn Manson, The Foo Fighters,
    Placebo, The Gurrilaz and Creed.

Other bands I like that arent really mainstream Rock or rock atall include...
Travis, Semisonic, Robbie williams, Jon Bon Jovi, Aerosmith, Toploader, The divine Comedy,
   Eminem, Shaggy, R.E.M,  and er...I love the Avalanches Tune "frontier Phyciatrist" even though
   I generally disslike Dance , I hate drum n bass, GRRRRRR! Dont half mind Garage 
   and R'n'b though.
   Oh and PINK is ok and Michelle branch is fantastic...Puretone are cool aswell..oh 
    and Nelli Fertardo's stuff is easy to get into.

   I also really like ...
No Fx, Madness, Metalica, Michael jackson [dont really know his newer stuff though]
   oh and go back a few years and I would have been listening to ...
Oasis, Blur, The Verve,
  Ocean Colour Scene, THE WILDHEARTS!! And maybe even a little bit of Bryan Adams.
   I still listen to them now ofcourse, i just mean they er.....dont release any new stuff nowadays.

Im a Massive Beatles fan, Love Bob Dylan, Elvis was great, Louis Armstrong and the Drifters..wow,
  QUEEN FUCKING RULE.......er thats about it I think...I wont go into the 60's stuff cos theres just
  too many great artists to name.

PS......John Lennon solo......OMG Fantastic...to the guy who shot him.....U A VERY BAD MAN!

:p  Dean.x
Is this all A little Harsh on the eyes???
He he....I think it's a little bit much lol..soz.. 

If Somehow I offend anyone or am in breach of any laws then please Know that
  it is unintentional and if you would be so kind....please let me know before anyone
  else.......I am just here to have some fun and make myself known.....nothing more.

My email adress is..
  Feel free to contact me whenever..bizness or pleasure..good or bad...
        ...Thankyou ... you lovely people you...  :)  Take Care and have FUN!!
                                    Dean Thorpe.. Aka Maxwello....
OR The great Bunghole.
Legal Dissclaimer!!
Wanna see something funny????
This is the laugh and giggles section.... wheneva i see anything i think
is funny, [besides my pics]  i'll try and add it here...
click to be ammused.
Ok, so i made my page bigger to edit something and cant be arsed to resize
  it so im adding a whoppin great picture to fill the space... :) im a lazy fucker
  aren't I?  hehe...
hmmmm Rhino looks pissed......
This Bat looks a tad stoned....shouldnt really be flying....
This fella wants Chamelions blood.....wander why?
Will this cheeky reptile get what he deserves for his cheeky tongue behaviour? find out......in the next epesode of..... "THE ANIMALS WHO FILL A BLANK SPACE" copyright...
Soppy Section!
If I see something "Nice" that doesn't
make me throw up I might put it in
17th June 2004.
Wow..im updating my page. Mind out for the flying Pig.....{ducks a tomatoe]
17TH JUNE 2004....HAHA WRONG!!!
17th June 2004..  haha lies..all lies... hehe
Im big and fat yep, well I weigh more.
Duh.......17th June 2004
I will get rid of this bollocks when I Launch the all new, "Deans page"  soon..
It will include profiles and pictures of me and all my best friends..things change a lot in 2 years dont they? Watch this space.         17th June 2004
17th June 2004.
My music taste has remained similar actually......altho there are many new bands and artists I now love....
soon kids.. soon.. :)
17th June 2004.
My goodness...everything is sooooo Old
and outdated...Golly.
A Personal Message from Dean...
Hiya Everyone...look im dancing....
.....Bless my cotton socks..right?? oh go on...
..please.... :(  Bastards...  hehe
17th June 2004
17th June 2004.
Click here if ya
know and love me!!
Or if ya just er..
hang with me..