
I'd like to thank DA for helping me out with the Photoshop work, I didn't have Photoshop on the machine I was using and all I had was GIMP2.0. Say what you want about GIMP, it may be free, and have all the features (almost) of Photoshop, but I couldn't keep up with the toolbars that didn't want to dock correctly with the main screen. It got to a stage where I think I suffered a panic attack, or maybe it was a pissed off attack, I don't quite know.

Important Information - 02/06/04

No, I'm not dead. I've just been very busy with work, and I know I've been slacking off on the blog as well, but as soon as I get some things cleared from work, I'll blog the whole month's worth blog. Well, I will try anyway.

Where have I been? Well it was a short trip to Singapore (again) then off to Indonesia, where I spent my entire time either in the hotel room, or at work. Even in the hotel room, it was work. I suck.


Update 15/07/04

Ugh, I just got back from another trip to Singapore, almost 2 weeks of hell. I just want to sleep now. I'll try to finish the site soon. For now just some posts on my blog.


Update 17/06/05

Well I'm updating this part of the page for now, and I'd like to paste out some URL's that you should help me show off my pictures, because someone asked me where my photos were, and for the life of me, I couldnt remember. Here they are -> Photos

Update 20/06/05

Hey there! I got a nifty javascript to go with the page, and it shows the time correctly now (forgot to close the [script], and for a moment there I thought I lost my whole page! Working fine now

Last updated 20/06/2005


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