World of Darkness Character

Below are links to character pages for characters I've played on various World of Darkness MUX's. Links with asterisks (*) beside them are retired characters, thereby containing a whole lot more information than my current characters for whom I'm trying to maintain some semblance of secrecy.

For these characters, sadly, I've lost their backgrounds. The paragraph below is all you get about them.

* Cathexis Dimedici, Ventrue Elder - My first character ever, and an elder to boot! Basically, I managed to convince some poor staffer that I knew what I was doing even though I didn't own a single book and knew next to nothing about Vampire. Well, suffice it to say that Cathexis is less of a Ventrue and more of a cross between a Nosferatu and a Tremere. Well, I had -GREAT- fun on ProhibitionMUSH, and if any of you poor people that had the immense displeasure of RP'ing with me ever read this, send me an email - would love to chat, and I'm slightly more intelligent now ;)

* Daryll Ertai Mephetelon, Ventrue Elder - One of my favorite characters, from Cajun Nights. My first -real- Ventrue, so relatively stereotypical - powerhungry businessman. A little too powerhungry - trusted Ravnos, betrayed Tremere and tried to play the Sabbat off of the Prince. Well, all four of those little parties got together for a pow-wow and Daryll became hamburger shortly thereafter.

* Terrance McFlannery, Son of Ether - Onto Mage: The Ascension. This character is an information terrorist who is part of the Irish Mafia on Metro: Toronto by Night. Fun character, lots of Correspondence and Time magick. Something of a bastard though - hardly the conversationalist, and getting into trouble with the Technocracy. Well, to be honest with you, he got a little boring and I abandoned that character when I took on too many and had to cull the less important ones.

Nicolas Jaden Lassiter, Malkavian - This character is sort of a probationary one on Mercyground. After a month of playing him, I hope to take up the reins of the Ventrue Primogen character who was abandoned awhile ago, by the name of Byron. This character is amazingly entertaining, with a subtle psychosis that isn't readily apparent.

For these characters, happily, I've still got their backgrounds. The links take you to character pages about them.

* Zarra Mesaana, Tzimisce Elder - Talk about creepy. A Tzimisce koldun specializing in Auspex and Spirit Thaumaturgy. Relatively insane, Embraced late so she's basically a grandmother in a wheelchair. A wheelchair that flies, thanks to the friendly spirit fetish that it is. Sadly, things fell apart, and this character tumbled into the mists of inactivity. (Recent note: There's the possibility that Zarra may be ressurrected on another MUX, with the original group application intact.)

* Little Raven, Dreamspeaker Adept - Well, now we switch systems entirely and move onto Mage: The Ascension. Gah. I quickly grew tired of that system - nothing scary. Regardless, this was my most in depth Mage character and the most powerful - a feature on PacificaMUX. Powerful Spirit and Time practitioner, his luck caught up to him when he took a ten Paradox backlash, was changed into a magick-less raven and captured by the Technocracy. He managed to escape, only to be shot to death a few days later by a sniper while still in bird form. Life sucks.

* Jaden Gutte, Harbinger of Skulls Elder - Ooooooooooooh. My favorite character ever. I've never been so psyched over a character in my whole life. Twisted, demonic and evil, this Harbinger is quite the vengeful little necromancer. Old and powerful, he's currently waging a secretive psychological war against the Giovanni who wiped out his Clan so many years ago.

Luciano/Widow, Nosferatu Elder - Notice how my characters keep getting more and more insane? Mmm-hmm. Perhaps psychoanalysis would be a wise course of action for me to take. Well, regardless, Widow is one sick vampire while Luciano is one penitent one. About eight hundred years old, he was once a priest who fell from grace and was Embraced as punishment for attacking a Nosferatu feudal lord. One of my favorite backgrounds.

Maria Valorenzo, Lasombra Antitribu Ancilla - Maria Valorenzo plays on Cajun Nights and pretends to be a Ventrue, but she's really a Lasombra who has converted to the Camarilla. She owns a museum specializing in the Occult (as if that won't tip people off, but hey - it's New Orleans) called "Relics". It's tragic that she has to hide, but the World of Darkness being as it is...