Welcome to my homepage. Use the links below to explore my interests. Please be sure to use the Back Button on your Browser, as some of these links go to my old homepage. In the midst of moving things, I have moved those things first which need updating the most. Priorities and all that. Hopefully by the end of the year it will all be in this new spot.
As of summer of 1996 I
began working on a project with a few other people who were
regulars in Carrion Fields. The project was a new MUD similar to,
but not exactly the same as, Carrion Fields. The project is Dark
Mists, and it's a working MUD now (officially opened 21 October
1996 just after midnight) with its own spin-offs and copy-cat
MUDS. Formerly on the nolta machine at mudservices.com, we moved
the MUD to another machine just as the nolta machine died on 19
September 1997.
Back in 1995, a friend of
mine introduced me to Carrion Fields and told me it was the very
best mud out there. When I got internet access, I went to Carrion
Fields and made it my home away from home. Since working on Dark
Mists and my distaste for what was done with the religious system
in Carrion Fields, I have not visited it much lately. However, if
you're into more PK than RP, this is the MUD for you. But keep in
mind, they do like RP there. Follow this link to find out what I
did while I was a regular at CF and some links to pages with more
recent information on that MUD.
>>>>>>> Features <<<<<<< |
We all have our favorite types of music
to listen to while mudding or doing just about anything. For my
preferences, follow this link.
A lot of the animated and other unicorn
graphics that I have collected came from Badger's
Animated Gif Gallery
which has a lot of really nice animated art for web pages. There
are other links, besides, for some very nice graphics if you're
into unicorns.
This is what I like to look at when I
start up my computer. It was drawn through computer graphics with
a program called Bryce2 by Miroslav Plancak (Mirre). Other
wonderful things he's drawn can be found at
Mirre's Fantasy World of Bryce.
I tend to check
the weather a lot, especially when I hear thunder.
(C) Copyright 1999 by Kye [xyza44@hotmail.com]