THC Team Bios
THC Team Rules
Raindow Six Downloads
Rogue Spear Downloads
R6 / RS Links



Please vist our new site atWargamerZ

We have our new Rainbow6 page plus Rogue Spear,Unreal Tournament, HalfLife and more. Everything you need for FPS multiplayer needs.


***** AK47 >:{o<

The Terrorist HideOut Compound
( T.H.C ), has officially opened it's doors for those of you seeking to Wreak Havoc on the Rainbow Six community. T.H.C will dominate the Zone and bring all the other Clans to their Knees!

We play online at The ZONE so click on the link and we'll see ya there.

T.|-|.C settings:
T.H.C Members will all have the NATO V2.1 weapon mod and PCGamer Map Mod, Other Mods are OK, except ANY mod which gives you abnormal ability's.... Any member caught CHEATING with Mods will be.....well lets say it won't be nice....MUHAHAHA!!!

DSL is here .... Gotta like it !!

Terrorist Mission:
Our mission is to infiltrate all major World Markets to seize power and force the
collapse of The World as we Know it Today.....Year 2000 will be the Beginning
of a New Era!!


Check Out the R6
TOP 100

 Rainbow Six Top 100

Talk Live
Got RW?

Roger Wilco

Got NATO ??

ITF Mods

Tactical Advantage Rogue Spear

RedStorm entertainment



****NorthernLights >:D<

B.Y.O.B. "Bring Your Own Bodybags, we don't supply 'em we
just fill 'em" !!



Welcome To T.|-|.C
We are looking for a few good terroist's. Would you like to join one of the newest and fastest growing clans on the Zone? Do you have a good attitude and enjoy having fun? Well then read our rules page and then E-mail myself or AK47. We will send you an invitation to meet us and other clan members on the Zone. So E-mail us today and get ready to play with one of the most unique and fun clans on the Zone.

T.|-|.C. Information
Wow we made the top 5 sites for Rainbow6. Pretty good for a group that started on 11/12/99. Thanks to all of you for visiting and clicking on the top 100. This site is not finished yet, alot more to come. We are adding stuff every day, so check back with us soon. If you need any help with Mods, Maps, installs or have any questions please ask us, we are more then happy to help. And download the T.|-|.C. Terrorist skin created by our own AK47. Once and awhile its fun to be the "Bad Guy".


Wait till you see this site finished! Were! Gun'a kick some Butt !!