Sephiroth's Holy Ground!
He who was once highest of the high, now fallen into darkness and shadows...
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Welcome to Sephiroth's Holy Ground!
Here you may find information about Sephiroth and Aeris.
Why them? They're my favorite characters! Why should I put up stuff
about someone I don't like?
If you have any ideas for this place, e-mail them to me, or if you don't
have an e-mail address, then put it in the guestbook.
Also, I am looking for a Final Fantasy VII fan who likes Aeris and Sephiroth,
hates Cloud, Tifa and Yuffie, knows how to use GeoCities, and would like
to assist me in the creation of this page! I would like a partner!
e-mail me to apply!
That little message thingie is neat, isn't it? If you want one, go up to
'File' on the top of your screen, click on 'save as', save it in Briefcase as an
HTML file, go to Notepad, open it, and copy and paste it to your page! Then
replace the messages with your own!
Links to other sites on the Web
Go to my Sephiroth section.
Go to my Aeris Section.
Go to WebRings for Jenova/Cetra
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Go to my Fanfiction page.
Join my WebRing.
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