The current game situation
The Current Game Situation

The Spectrum Wars IV: A New Hope

You are Spectrum Warrior Number . Are you a number, or a free man?

In the real world, Iraq invaded Kuwait in August of 1990 and then stopped. But in the alternate universe of the Spectrum Wars, Saddam Hussein paused only a week before his troops crashed into Saudi Arabia. This set into motion a series of events that led to 10 years of almost non-stop warfare around the world, the use of nuclear weapons for the first time since WWII, the split of the old USA into two rival nations, and the formation of a new and more violent world order.

Now, at the dawn of the 21st Century, the world has taken a collective breath as the first moments of peace in almost 10 years give a brief pause in the conflict. The World is now divided into 16 large power blocs, of varying levels of power. Some, like Russia, are nuclear-armed superpowers with a global reach, desperately trying to carve out new colonial empires to satisfy their need for scarce natural resources. Some, like the East African Alliance, are resource-rich third-world nations, desperately trying to maintain their independence in an increasingly violent world. And some, like Argentina, are emerging powers trying to carve out a place for themselves among the first-rank powers of the world.

Will the peace hold, or is the world about to experience another World War? I wouldn't bet on Peace.

The Game has now officially begun!
After the Turn 2.0 results, there are now two open positions.
You can join the game as the Black Bandits or the Green Guerrillas.
If you wish to join, send an email to to contact the General Moderator.


The newsletter for turn 2.5 is finally up on the website!
You can link to it from the newsletter page, or click here to go there now!

Permanently available:
Click for the latest news on the progress of the game!
Click for the complete online rulebook
Click for complete data on all starting positions
Click to see all the military units you can build!
Click for the NEW research rules and defined technologies
Click to see how the world got screwed up in the first place
Click for hints by the game's Designer and General Moderator
Click to see the awards from past games

Click to see the old SW3 Website
See how the last game came out!
Visit for the Official Website of The Spectrum Wars III: The Last Crusade.
Click for a thermonuclear blast from the past!
That's right, well into SW4, we finally have a website for SW1! Better late than never!

Why look at streaking stars or flying toasters when YOU could find the first signal from an alien civilization?
The Spectrum Wars proudly supports the SETI@Home Project. Click to learn more!
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