The emulation is NO LONGER partially, the game is now TOTALLY EMULATED!!
NOW you CAN download the STAND-ALONE version of the romset! Download it and ENJOY into the M.A.M.E. 0.36 beta 9! And buy a GOOD PC for emulate it... on my Intel Pentium 233 MMX 64 MB it run at 30 fps (fskip 6)... if you don't have a P200 or greater, then it's the moment for the UPGRADE ;->
Look also the screenshot, and download also the emulator from the OFFICIAL PAGE of M.A.M.E....
And the RAINE? Probably, will emulate Kick'n'Run (JRom dump) into next version. When coming out? I don't know :-)
this great day to:
- ALL the cats in the world =^..^=
I LOVE it!!!
- ALL the fan of this game
- ALL the emulator's developers
- ALL the emulation site
- ALL my friends
- The Mindscape, for the best games
on PC (Catz 1-2-3-4) for the cat-ofile
- ALL the webmasters of cat's site
is NOT available now (november 2, 1999) on OTHER servers, and this cause
the server overload. If you notified an error 403 or "Forbidden", use an
FTP-Get or FTP-by-mail service for download the files.
the words of old version of the site...:-)
is my Kick'n'Run tribute page. Kick'n'Run (or Mexico 86 in Europe/US version)
is the best arcade soccer game of the '80s. It was manufactured by TAITO
in 1986, and it's the official arcade game of Mexico '86 World Cup. This
game is NOT converted on console/computer and is not emulated corretly
yet :-(
this page you'll find a lot of files on this game: I wait for MAME or RAINE
to emulate it... This is the most wanted game by the italian emulation
newsgroup (it.comp.emulatori)!
first of all, please STOP mailing developers asking them to include this
game into their emulators. The rom is very difficult to emulate, and already
is in developer's possession. Bouncing emulator developers usually transform
his passion into adversion... If you want to see a game emulated just don't
ask for it, sooner or later someone will emulate it ;o) (ancient chinese
For any comments please mail me... in italian language, if possible. Thank you.
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This site (C) 1999 Massimo '' Massi cadenti '', M.P. Software/Audio/Video Inc.. All Rights reserved.
Please note: all names are
trademarks of respective authors.
M.A.M.E. Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator, Copyright
1997,1998,1999 Nicola Salmoria and MAME Team.
RAINE Rainbow Islands Emulator is a Trademark
of Antiriad and RAINE Team.
"Mexico '86" (the real world cup) is trademark
of FIFA.
"Mexico '86" (the arcade game) and "Kick'n'Run"
are respectively trademarks of : Taito of America, Taito Corporation, Taito
of Japan. "Mexico '86" (bootleg) is trademark of "Micro research", 1987.
Please note that this site is NOT affiliated
in any way with Taito Corp. or his members.
Dedicated to all Kick'n'Run Fans, to all MAME
and RAINE Team and all emulators-fans!
Remember: the emulator-mania is not another warez
form, but only a way to remember the past :-) Long live emulation!