Raw Thoughts
This site has been created as an easy way for me to share my writings and ideas with the people I know and anyone who may just happen to stumble upon this website. For anyone who does happen to read the material, I would greatly appreciate any criticism as that would help me to develop my own skills as a writer. Also, any comments on what you thought or felt while reading a piece would also help me to understand how other people think and feel. You can send your comments by email to the address below. Thanks.
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*I had a very interesting idea this past week and plan to write the project in mind sometime very soon. It will be an attempt at humor, since this site could use something funny. I am hoping to have at least a draft up by next (Who really knows?)so to the few of you that currently know about this site, please come back and visit soon. The new project shall be located under the miscellaneous category. As soon as I can find one of my 3 or 4 bibles that I own, I can get started. Talk about losing one's faith (Bada..Bum...). Ok, bad pun, but I had to do it.(It would be inappropriate to pass up such an opportunity). Oh yeah, that was a clue as to what the writing will involve. MWUHAHAHHAH...ah.ah.hhahha..ahhaha.......ha
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Email: Darkhoof@yahoo.com
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