sorry, but this site is underconstruction...
below if you want to be notified of it's opening. Thanks!
As you may have noticed,
The C Note Vibe has under gone a new look.
Tell me what you think about
it. Ofcourse, I am still updating and it is under construction, but some
of the pages will still have the old brown colors. (hey, I can't do this
all in one day!) Well e-me if you can. Thanks!
Webmaster SavAriana
'99 & '03
I am in no way connected with C Note. I am just a
fan, making a page dedicated to the the spanglish foursome. All pics are
created by the webmaster unless other wise stated so. None of these pics
are for others to copy, so please e-mail the webmaster if you would like
to barrow any (this includes: backgrounds, icons, pics- scanned or not,
etc). Thanks again.
email webmaster here