Welcome to my Home!!
Welcome, My name is Kari I moved recently from Connecticut to Virginia, and let me say this....DIFFERENT!  I do love VA though it's beautiful, and there is so much to do. well, I have 2 little boys DJ and Chris ages 10 and 6. They are a handful, just ask anyone who has either met them or heard them over a phone call. I moved to VA in August of 2000. It is taking some time to adjust. I have met some really cool people here. Lets see, We live in a town outside of Richmond, I work for a construction supply company in Richmond, the people there are awesome. I love them all. Its a very laid back and friendly place to be. From day one I felt like I was part of this family they have.
   Some of the people I met outside of work are: Debbie, Erin, virginia, Brenda, Tammy, Cindy, Carolyn, Ty,Eric. I know its a short list but I am obtaining friends everyday. I am on a pool league here, and got to have the pleasure of becoming friends with, Amy, Dino, Jamie, Kenny, Danny, Mike, John, and well lets say I guess I do have a list of friends already down here. LOL
The group of friends I miss  the most is from CT,  The  following people below are from my hometown in Connecticut....and YES I miss them all and not to say......Im always gonna be a YANKEE!!!!!   =) as they say down here in Va Im a DAMN YANKEE!
    Alittle about my home town friends:
Kathy is my one of my best friends She and I have been friends for about 17 years.She has always been there for me through it all. Kathy has a daughter
Jessica who is 11 years old (and my sons girlfriend) Kathy is a go getter what she wants she gets.( I tell her that shes spoiled..LOL)
Dolores...Well, another best friend she is married and has 2 boys. I have known her for about 15 years. Dolores has been through alot  she is a strong woman not too metion an Italian bella donna(LOL)
Juan... Whats up baby? I miss you alot and am always thinking about you. See you soon.
To all my friends at AMES I love you all and miss you all very much...to name a few....Faye, Brenda, Laura, Jackie, Wanda, Kathy, Janine, Becky, Maria, John, Maryann, Pat, Vivkie, Sharon, Barb, Michelle, Sharon,and even John M, I bet you miss my Good Mornings...(LOL) and Jean!!!  Sadly, Ames closed its doors this year in September 2002. Love you all and Miss you

Alittle more about me:
       My spare time usually consists of being with friends online or offline. I play pool on a league I think I'm pretty good.....for anyone who wants to put their money on the table.   I am an all out doors person although I do love to sit in the house and just kick back and relax. I write alot of poetry and keep all of it in a journel, No one has seen my journel. I also learned how to transpire my writting into lyrics.
      I like all kinds of music Im into anything I can sing or move my hips to. Stevie Nicks is one of my favorites. But anything from country to R&B to free style and of course good Ol'e rock and roll. I  have 2 sisters Staci and Jodi . I am the baby of the family. My parents are divorced and it hasnt been easy for Mom but she has learned to adjust, my father lives in AR.
       Growing up wasn't easy here but I think I am doing good. My mother has taught me to be indpendant and always work for what you want this way you owe nobody  nothing. Life is too short to worry about the wrongs ...just live for today and tomorrow will come. Remember if you look in the mirror and smile........it will always smile back.
My Goal is to contine to learn new things and be comfortable in a nice home and raise my kids to the best I can and live long enough to be a bourden to my childrens children!  LOL I work for a wonderful company and met some great friends there although i dont know many from Richmond, I love here in VA still and its September 2002. My kids are learning to adjust here as well. Im not that good at building web pages and some stuff on here is from when I lived in Connecticut or when i moved to Va back in 2000.
Some of my favorite sites....
My Recipes
Some of my Poems!
Page two
ok....this is my page..I know it isnt much but with time and expericence I will add more to it keep checking it for new pictures and other stuff. Before I go I want to take a minute a to thank some of the friends I met online...
Jaquiline Who was one of the first people I met online She has inspired me to live life to its fullest. We always have a great time chatting and we always can get a room going on yahoo...Thanks J for being a friend.
Mikey I met Mike not to long ago but he has been a great friend to me. Always there when I needed to talk and never pushed me to do things I didn't want to. He has taught me that life is too short and live it to it's fullest.(of course Mike I can't retire at 45) LOL  Thanks Mikey
Alan   My spades partner and good friend. Alan always keeps me laughing with his jokes I have to say Alan we don't make too many friends on spades though
We always have a good time playing cards and chatting to each other. Thanks Alan for always being there for me.Love ya sweety!
Holly My cousin is the best chatter going. She has a great personailty and is always working to better hesrelf and her future. Now if she would hurry and make a baby so I can play house again. LOL...Love you girl
Damnitmike Everyone I owe this page to him. He has taught me all about web pages and helped me get started so if it doesn't work blame him ...Im kidding Mike
Steve: Thank you for being such a good friend and always listening to my Yankee ass....Love you babe!
Keith You are are always in my thoughts. We belong together, We would really tear up the town, okay you win, "I" would tear up the towns. Be good!!!  I love you Baby!
Andy I met Andy here on Yahoo and he's got quite a personality, He is very fun and always keeps me smiling. Thanks Andy for all you have done  for me. Best of Luck in the marriage thing....LOL
Randy Or is it jeff?  LOL  I have to say I met Randy  thru email. What a way to meet someone. Randy you are one of the greatest friends I have on here. I know I stress and you think Im crazy when I do, But only you know why. Thanks for everything You HOBO.
Somefireman   You know I had you figured out from day 2 atleast. This guy ladies is a great man but you have to live in Connecticut to have him.  Im sure that he is going to make some lady very happy, wish it could be me....by the way, Im ready to get my gift now!  Be good!
Ray master       My spades partner in crime. Its been fun but I work  early in the mornings and I can't play with Ray as much as I would like too. But Ray can always know im arround just by thinking about my stairs, Right Ray! Love Ya babe!
TY   Ty is a VA Redneck. He is wonderful, He knows how to keep me laughing, even though he calls me stupid all the time. I am glad I met him and hope to continue our friendship.   YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Love Ya!
ERIC   Eric You are a sweetheart. I never met a man who was so in control or worked so hard at what life throws our way. I know you are going to to do well in life. You are my Angel!  God Bless ....and Eric? Stay away from that bathroom !!!!   Love Ya !
Lisa I met lisa here in the VA 5 chat room, she is such a sweetheart. Like me she has been dealt a shitty hand, but we both know that our good cards are coming and we will be doing good! thank you lisa for all your support and long nights of talking and not to mention putting up with me and the kids every weekend.
Krissy- Well, Not many know Krissy, but Krissy is very special,she has shown me that life has alot to offer and with the right mind and choices Life really can be worth living. I love ya and look forward to sharing everything with you. You go girl! Thank you for always being there and being so understanding . " Time is on our side"
Wayne- thank you for always being there for me. The mountain and rivers are owned! Dont hurt my truck! lol
love ya sweetheart and no more Tats! Gonna give your wife a heart attack...lol

Slacker and Brian- These are my brothers.......You have to know them to understand them, they are always making me laugh and smile and they know that I love them. Even though im not into the chat parties or meeting people from the net, Im glad I met them. Love you 2 and to my bro - Find a good woman and settle down~! and Slacker Just take care of my Kids will ya.....lmao
Randy- thank you for always being there for me and showing me that i am worth something. I owe you alot. thank you for always making me smile and most of all thank you for just being YOU ......Love ya baby~!
ALL MY VA 5 CHATTERS- I love you all, and even though im not in there much i think about you daily and want you to know that im always here for you. love to you all and god bless   Riss
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