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"Conquer the galaxy. Do it not for yourself, but for the Emperor."

How to Name Your Army

Banjo's Cool Links

Battle Reports

Sacred Rites


Conversions & Pics

Playtest & Home Rules


Daily Life

The Jamais Vu Campaign


August 11th: Wow, two updates in one month :) Just added the Diorama I just made. That's all for today. It's for a painting competiton on Sunday, cross my fingers and your's, I'll need some luck and some impressed judges working for me. (Note: The judges aren't WORKING for me.)

August 1st: Wow, let's see, May, June, July... 3 months!? (blows dust off site). Wow. That's really sad. Well, I'm back now. I just added a whole battle report with pictures in the JVCampaign. Also, I'm getting geared up (well, I'm already geared up) for Armaggedon, so that is going to be cool. Just hope there are enough Sisters players out there to get our voices heard!
Um... I'm working at the beach right now, so my time is taken up.
The SOB Codex is supposed to be seperate from the Ministorium. It's coming out after the Tyranid Codex, SRs are supposed to be removed for the STUPID "Prayer Point" system, and it probably won't be out until the beginning of 2001.
Anyways, I'm going to watch "Blazing Saddles", so I'll update later. Oh yeah, I also finished my Space Wolves, so you'll see those soon :)

Quote of the Month: "Prayer may cleanse the soul, but pain cleanes the body. Both are necessary for the survival of Humanity." Confessor Ganinimus

The Heretic Says: Doesn't Iyaden suck? And aren't the Space Wolves cool?

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Questions? Comments? Well then, email me at: banjo69rules@yahoo.com

# of people who have visited this site since 8-6-99

Anything having to do with Warhammer 40,000 in any way, shape, or form, is a registered trademark of Games-Workshops. No, I do not intend to challenge the status of GW games, and in no way look to deprive GW of sales.  All stories and submimtted items on this site are the property of their respective creatiors. This is my page, and if you are gonna' gank something, let me know first. Sheesh.

"All who oppose the daughters of the Emperor will perish!" -Canoness Bello