Greetings and welcome to my Castle tower.

My name is Robert; Sir Robert. By that I mean that I am a knight, a warrior. In my home page I want to tell you a little bit about myself, and what it means to me to say that I am a knight. I like quotes, and I will use the words of others to tell you what a knight is, sharing a few personal observations as well.

I have been an ordained pastor for ten years now. Prior to that I was an attorney for thirteen years. I am a part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. I am also a lutheran "in renewal", which means basicly a charismatic lutheran. I have served the Lutheran Church in Latvia on a regular basis over the last thirteen years. My chat name, "lauva" means "lion" in latvian. That is what I am called by my friends there. I have also become known as "Sir Robert", a nickname I like very much. My interest in Knighthood has brought me into three internet interactive role-playing games of Knighthood: The Realm, Asheron's Call, and most recently, World of Warcraft. I no longer play The Realm, but you can find me in WoW regularly. Here's what it means to me to be a knight.

KNIGHT: a servant; a mounted man-at-arms serving a feudal superior; a man devoted to the service of a lady as her attendant or champion.

WHITE KNIGHT: one that comes to the rescue of another; one that champions a cause. AIZSTAVIS (latvian: defender)

The King I serve is the King of Creation; the King of the Universe. I fight for Him. I am not his strongest warrior. I am not His smartest warrior. I am not His bravest warrior. I am not His most devoted warrior. But I am His.

KNIGHT'S PLEDGE AND PRAYER, from the Movie, "First Knight", The story of King Arthur and Camelot
"In serving each other we become free."
"Brother to brother, brother to sister, yours in life and in death."
"May God grant us the wisdom to discover the right, the will to choose it, and the strength to make it endure. AMEN."

A knight is sworn to valor
His heart knows only virtue
His blade defends the helpless
His might upholds the weak
His word speaks only truth
His wrath undoes the wicked

FAVORITE BIBLE VERSE: "Then the Lion called out, 'I stand upon the tower, O Lord, and watch. All day and all night I am at my post.'" Isaiah 21:8

Other Lion verses from Proverbs: 28:1; 30:29-30

Links to My other Pages
My Family
The Gallery
Gallery Annex
The Castle Field
The Armoury

will always bring you back to this page.

E-mail me at
I want to say a special thank you to my cyber friend Missie, a/k/a bcnyall, for helping me put this site together, and to my daughter Rebekah, a/k/a ritzgrrl, for helping me finish it up.

LINKS to Other Sites

Pastor Bob's April 2006 Trip to Latvia
Pastor Bob's April 2005 Trip to Latvia
St. John's Lutheran Church

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