Welcome to the Dragon Warrior Tactics and Dragon Warrior Tochi Main Download Page! Dragon Warrior Tactics, a Final Fantasy Tactics clone, is currently under development, programmed not in Visual Basic, like Dragon Warrior Tochi, but is being programmed with Visual C++. Currently, bugs are being fixed, and OpenGL Enhancements are being incorperated. The finished product will hopefully be complete in Fall, 1998. In the meantime, you can download the latest versions of Dragon Warrior Tochi, which is a Tomagotci Clone for your Windows 3.1 or better PC (including Windows 4.0 [95??]), and soon for your Mac System 7.1 or better 68k. News March 22, 1998 - This page was created (click here to see the old one, yuch!) on a friends better PC. I use a 386DX 40mhz with 8 megs of ram and 128k cache, 16 colors (4bit). Waaahhh! Anyways, he has a 486 DX4 100mhz, 256k cache, 16 megs of ram, and 256 colors (8bit). Cool. Oh, he has Windows 95, and I prefer Windows for Workgroups 3.11. It's a bit more stable.
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