ecrets Of The Nosferatu

Welcome to my page. I will tell you very little about
myself as secrecy is essential, and one of the main themes of this page.
Scattered throughout are little tidbits which you may or may not find.
Dont look too hard.
Let me start by thanking White-Wolf
Game Systems for their wonderful creation. Yes, this is a page related to
the Vampire the Masquerade system and the world of darkness. All copyrights
still apply and this is not a challenge to any of their copyrights, stated or
implied. This page is just good fun and is intended for use by storytellers
and players alike to make their games more far reaching and interesting.
Allow me, first, to ease the minds of those non-gamers out there.
If this isn't your thing, you may click here to go to Yahoo!
internet search and find something that is your thing. If you might be into
this sort of thing, but aren't too sure, then try the white wolf home page
(use the link above).
The pages that follow are best used by live-action games (some NPCs
on here were created for that system) but the tabletop game should be able to
use this site also. More NPCs will be added slowly for both paper and LARP.
Allow me first to quote some passages from "Laws Of the Night," the
main rule book for the vampire live action. And, allow me to speak for the
storytellers when I say "if you dont have one, GET ONE." You will need it
to play.
Here are the main rules for playing, in fact, these are the only
rules which really cant be changed.
1)No touching
This means none whatsoever, even with consent. Things do have a way of
getting out of hand. Better not to allow the opporotunity. For that
matter, running, jumping and swinging from chandeliers across hotel
lobbies are also not allowed. Again, there's too much opporotunity for
someone to get hurt.
2)No weapons as props
Props are a wonderful way to make a game real. However, real weapons or
anything that even looks like a real weapon (and we're talking sword canes,
peace-bonded claymores, rabid trained attack gerbils, matte-black painted
waterguns and sword-shaped toothpicks from a dry martini) are a definite
no-no. Its too easy for someone to get hurt with them. Even if you're
responsible with your shiny new dagger, some idiot will choose the moment
you take it out to come pelting around the corner full-tilt and impale
himself on it. Regardless if the weapon looks amazing with your costume,
leave ie home.
3)No drugs or Drinking
This one is a real no-brainer. Drugs and alcoholare a way of distancing you
from yourself. Roleplaying gives you the chance to be someone else. Why go
to all the trouble of creating another persona to inhabit if you're just
going to wander out of that persona in a haze.
On a more serious note, players who are impaired through drugs or alcohol
represent a danger to other players and a threat to the flow and mood of
the game. There's nothing wrong with playing aa character who's drunk or
stoned, but actually bringing drugs or alcohol into a game is going too far
not to mention the legal repercussions of the former.
4)Feel free to ignore or adjust any of the rules.
[I wont quote this one, because it seems to be self-destructive for this
5)Its only a game
This is by far the most important rule. It is only a game. If a character
dies, if a plot falls apart, if a rival wins the day-its still only a game.
Don't take things too seriously, as that will spoil not only your
enjoyment but also the enjoyment of everyone else around you.
Plus, remember to leave the game behind when it ends. Informal MASQUERADE
is a lot of fun; spending time talking about the game is great. On the
other hand, getting annoyed with your chantry regent because she wasn't up
to plotting for sunday's game at 3:32 A.M. on Wednesday signifies a need
for change in perspective.
This passage comes from a different book but is applicable:
Disclaimer necessitated by stupid people:
Repeat after me: I am not a wizard, I am not a vampire
I dont drink blood, kill people or animals.
Is that clear? Clear as in crystal?
as in "Do not pass go, do not collect $200 and do not go onto Oprah and brag about drinking blood? Good, well then lets proceed as if none of this nonsense was necessary. If its NOT clear, then Leave"
Last, and most importantly for the purposes of this site:
The nosferatu are potent information-gatherers, managing to gain access
to just about everything.
Yes, this is a page about the nosferatu. It is a site to make
sure the nosferatu in other chronicles get what they're supposed to. This
makes sure the nosferatu are as well-informed as they're supposed to be.
There will be some security things to deal with on this site, but they're
pretty easy (just a few forms to fill out).
Now, you only have to read this whole thing once, you can click the
nosferatu clan symbol at the top of the page to bring you all the way down
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