"another way of saying 20/20 vision"
Birthday: February 21
I'm in A.I.T. now! Yay! Here is my new Addy!!!
Bernhardt, Christopher
A 1-56 ADA
Ft. Bliss, Tx 79916
What is up
Isn't it funny how you can just look back at life, and not realize the magnitude of what is going on around you? I mean, I just drove to New York to see a I've known off the internet for 5 years. Just up and drove there. I didn't really feel the effect of it until I left, but then, I don't even know if I felt it then either. And here I am, a year ago at this time I was a mix of a bum and a punk, swearing to never have anything to do with the armed forces. Now look at me, dropped out of college (which really was a smart thing believe it or not) and joined the Army. The United States of America Army. I'm in the Air Defense field, with Airborn training after my Job Training. I'll be in training, right now as it stands, for 49 weeks. I'm even trying to get more special training, like Air Assault, and Ranger, and etc. I'm so eager to start, I'm on the point of giddiness. For a little over a month, probabally two months or so, I have been cutting my hair short, military style. I really like it. I remember thinking about my life a year or so ago, and how I had no idea what I was going to do for the next several years. I knew that in my mid twenties I was going to go to law school or something like that, and when I was 37 I would become the president (that plan is still in effect) but the time in between was left a gaping void. Now that I look back on it, this is my plan, and it's a good one. I'm really into this. It would really confuse me if I thought about it more, but I'm a really really laid back person. Don't get me wrong, I'm really passionate about some things, such as romance, music, fun things, and serving my country. But when events happen to me, life altering huge things, like joining the Army, I really don't get all, "ohh my I joined the Army I'm all wowed now" no, I'm just like, "joined the Army, yup." and such. Hey, how come no one does military discounts anymore? That kinda urks me, we (the militarized people) are out there, voluntarily, serving the country, in many different shapes and forms, from supply operators to infantry, we are out there. But yeah... Basically, my life as I knew it is over. There really isn't any going back. Sure when I moved away from home I had to grow up a little bit and leave some of myself behind, only to find it in the future in another form, but here, no more childishness pranks, no more living life on the fly, no more doing whatever I want whenever I want, there are restrictions. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, I really do welcome this. I'm just saying, it's a huge difference from my past. Here, in just a few days (I hope I get all my business taken care of by then) I ship off into the world of Military Life. Yes, there is lots of fun to be had, but there are also challenges that must be overcome, long hard hours of toil, sweat, and pain, and discovery. So now I leave, to prepare myself. Until next time, C'est La Vie, and Adieu.
Private Bernhardt
Contact Me:
E-mail: NoCoPro@hotmail.com
Phone: (303) 332-3987
Phone: (907) 373-1804