Let The Music Heal Your Soul...
Heya~ I finally got that Jason Behr site up, so go visit it @ JasonBehr.isCute.com
Hey, everybody. This is my 1st individual homepage. I hope you like it..I'll try 2update lots! I lurve boy bands, so this'll be the theme.. KTBSPA ; KT5PA!~
This page takes a LONG while to load, so please, I stress, wait for it to load!!! Thanx!
I signed up on 07/12/98 11:00:20.a
Updated: February 16th, 2001
Scott's going to be a daddy soon! AHH!!
*****SCOTT'S ENGAGED TO KERRY!!!!**but then I hear he's not!*** SPENT £6k ON IT
An Entertainment Teen article
check out BSB Millennium website!
~it's a page for all exclusive pictures - real pictures!! It'll take a while to load, so be patient!!
check out the •news 11.15.00~ UPDATES!
and the

*This site is always under construction!*
...when I have time anyway LOL
plz sign the guestbook
Please forgive me!! I
hardly have time to update so when I get to it I get to it. Don't hold it
against me! :)
Email me @ boybandlvr98@gurlmail.com and/or
AIM SN is: NYCsSHORTY and my yahoo chat name is NYC_SHORTY! :)
Please come back soon and visit me!!
if you have pictures of any boy bands that you'd like to contribute *free of cost* please, send it to me @ boybandlvr98@gurlmail.com if you actually want me to get some work done, I need more pix please!
another addy is NYCSHORTY@backstreet-boys.com, NYC_SHORTY@JordanKnight.com ...I know u like the addy I KNOW you do!!! ;)
Denniz Pop (co/writer of songs such as ...[songs from Backstreet Boys:] We've Got It Goin On, Everybody (Backstreet's Back), I Wanna Be With You, Nobody But You; songs by ['N Sync:] I Want You Back; songs by [5ive:] Slam Dunk (Da Funk), Partyline 555-On-Line, My Song etc.
He died of cancer... I feel that it's a great loss to the industry..he was a very good writer!..u can go to the official site - www.dennizpop.com
parts taken from the official BSB,
Aaron Carter, 5ive, *N Sync, No Authority sites
**1st pic I ever saw of them; oh my gosh how foine!**
This is the cover of the 1st BSB single "We've Got It Goin' On". If you don't know them by now...I should come over there &kick you..but left to right-Brian, Howie, Nick, AJ &Kevin
BSB's new CD - Black &
in stores 11/21!
Brian married to Leighann Wallace; Kevin married Kristin Willits (sniff!)
St. Joseph's Hospital Foundation
P.O. Box 8490 Lexington, KY 40533
(make checks payable to "St. Joseph's Hospital Foundation")

home page!
Aaron's Info |
Aaron's Schedule
You are here:
http://www.geocities.com/nyc_shorty~Main Page1
go on to Page 2 <~where 5ive, NSync and No Authority are
go on to page 3 <~where my ETC stuff is

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