Let The Music Heal Your Soul...

Heya~ I finally got that Jason Behr site up, so go visit it @ JasonBehr.isCute.com and
Hey, everybody. This is my 1st individual homepage. I hope you like it..I'll try 2update lots! I lurve boy bands, so this'll be the theme.. KTBSPA ; KT5PA!~

This page takes a LONG while to load, so please, I stress, wait for it to load!!! Thanx!
I signed up on 07/12/98 11:00:20.a

Updated: February 16th, 2001

Scott's going to be a daddy soon! AHH!!
*****SCOTT'S ENGAGED TO KERRY!!!!**but then I hear he's not!*** SPENT £6k ON IT
An Entertainment Teen article
check out BSB Millennium website!

  Poll | Your Say! News|News Articles Lyrics (Millennium not ready yet~08.19.99) | Black & Blue Lyrics
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Exclusives!!! ~it's a page for all exclusive pictures - real pictures!! It'll take a while to load, so be patient!! 

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1..2..3..4.. check out the •news 11.15.00~ UPDATES!
and the

*This site is always under construction!* ...when I have time anyway LOL
plz sign the guestbook
Please forgive me!! I hardly have time to update so when I get to it I get to it. Don't hold it against me! :)
Email me @ boybandlvr98@gurlmail.com and/or AIM SN is: NYCsSHORTY and my yahoo chat name is NYC_SHORTY! :) Please come back soon and visit me!!

if you have pictures of any boy bands that you'd like to contribute *free of cost* please, send it to me @ boybandlvr98@gurlmail.com if you actually want me to get some work done, I need more pix please!
another addy is NYCSHORTY@backstreet-boys.com, NYC_SHORTY@JordanKnight.com ...I know u like the addy I KNOW you do!!! ;)

Denniz Pop (co/writer of songs such as ...[songs from Backstreet Boys:] We've Got It Goin On, Everybody (Backstreet's Back), I Wanna Be With You, Nobody But You; songs by ['N Sync:] I Want You Back; songs by [5ive:] Slam Dunk (Da Funk), Partyline 555-On-Line, My Song etc. He died of cancer... I feel that it's a great loss to the industry..he was a very good writer!..u can go to the official site - www.dennizpop.com
parts taken from the official BSB, Aaron Carter, 5ive, *N Sync, No Authority sites
**1st pic I ever saw of them; oh my gosh how foine!** This is the cover of the 1st BSB single "We've Got It Goin' On". If you don't know them by now...I should come over there &kick you..but left to right-Brian, Howie, Nick, AJ &Kevin

BSB's new CD - Black & Blue  

in stores 11/21!

Brian married to Leighann Wallace; Kevin married Kristin Willits (sniff!) mmm Got Milk?


  Nick's | A.J. | B-Rok's | Howie! | Kevin!  The Backstreet Boy story
Nick's (#3)|A.J.'s (#2)| Howie(#1)|Kevin's#4 Backstreet Boys' Schedule

click for more info at the boys' official site BRIAN LITTRELL ENDOWMENT

St. Joseph's Hospital Foundation
P.O. Box 8490 Lexington, KY 40533
(make checks payable to "St. Joseph's Hospital Foundation")

aww! That's so adurable! home page!
Aaron's Info | Aaron's Schedule

You are here: http://www.geocities.com/nyc_shorty~Main Page1
go on to Page 2 <~where 5ive, NSync and No Authority are
go on to page 3 <~where my ETC stuff is

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