Enjoy the page!!

I invite you to navigate, check
and suggest about the page.

There are many sections that I'm sure you'll
enjoy. I'm designing and creating new ones,
so come back soon to see the changes.
Well, I hope you enjoy Excelencia.
Let's start Meeting me!!

Check these interesting sites in my link's page,
just clicking below this paragraph!!


If you enjoy playing video games, go here and download
everything you need for spend your time whit them.
Now in Emuland, a page dedicated to:

: Weekly

Prepare to join this cool page:
Disc Jockey "Excelencia"
That's right, in this section you'll find all kinds
of music, like singles, latin, english and soundtracks.
All of them are in mp3 format (the best on internet with CD quality).
I don't know what are you waiting for reading this!!.

: Weekly

Do you think you're so smart?
Well, I challenge you to visit this page
and try to solve some riddles, logical problems,
paradox and more. The only problem is that the
page aren't in english yet.

: 20/05/99

Visit Excelencia's tribute to beautiful women.
Excellery is a gallery with a lot of pics
of the most beautiful girls all over the world.
See it by yourself and verify that is true.

: 11/05/99

Frascelex is a page with many famous phrases and a lot
of things. Enjoy reflectioning and reading
about this great phrases that have said famous persons.
The page is only in spanish and this is an example
of phrases that you can find here.

Phrases like this only in Frasecelex!

: 30/04/99

Finally I've done a page like this.
In bonus you'll find great free software
to download, enjoy and have fun.
Check it now and you will see.

: 17/06/99

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Latest total review: December 5th, 1999