This is ma girfrind Lurlene, shes my HOTTIE!.. she got the same grandma
as me.
I am goin to bee movn my page to a nuw place at zgeek.. they are givin
my the address
YOU can fined my page allways at
PLese yuse this addres to tell yur freinds about my page,cus so yucky lady is writtin me emails and sayin shes going to git geocitys to tak my page down. so if I mov the page yoo can fine it agin.!!!!!
Thes are not ging to tayk my page down no more.
I am goig to make a new page in HTML TOO!
This is my grandma, she
lives int he trailer with my family. she smells funny, but i can say that
here as she cant read good.
is my brother daniel he has been to the city once and is a home boy, I
dont git it, he says heaps of YO and CRIB.. and he calles me a pig thinger..
but I wail into him and he stops.
This is my cusin Andrew, hes
in jail for shootin up a phone booth.. hes just plum crazy, I got a gun
This my house, its really
good, when it has tyres me and daniel mov it around the park when mom is
passed out drunk, it really musses her up and is worth a laugh, but she
beats the jesus out of us some times.
I think this is my pop, he
dont live with us anymore cus he cant be around animals or electric kitchen
THis is my
pops truck, he left it here, I have not met him but I am keeping good nik
of his truck, just incase he comes back and need to drive some place.
is my best friend, I dont know his name yet, but we always go skinny dippin
and he gives me candy and really long hugs.
This is my School teacher
she was a man once but a sickness made her change. She is cool and does
modeling for magazines, they are so good that the paper shop has to hide
them under the counter to stop people buyin all of them.
This is Michael, he used to
be my friend, but got killed when he tried to rassle a interstate bus after
he sniffed some gas.
This is my neighbour frank..
the cat is one he found in a bucket He is practicing a to be a vet and
can get this whole fist in the cats bottom.. The cat makes funny noises
This is franks cousins brother
in laws best frriends, he has a motorbike. he is the coolest man inthe
trailer park and you can always here him riding up to the tv trailer to
watch jerry springer.
This is there mom, she runs
the trailer park christen group.. she sings heaps and intercourses with
jesus and god.. she got real mad at me one day when we ran out off poo
paper so I had to use that boble book she gave me. I think she wants me
to intercourse too.
This is Gavin, hes parents own the trailer park. I found him wacking
off in some bushes (found him easiy caus he yeld "yi-har")but
he lets me know html on the internet
I gotta go now.. my pee pee is brusting to pee.