Last Updated: 98/10/24

copyright 1984, FTL software


Welcome to my Sundog page. This is a shrine page to Sundog: Frozen Legacy, a wonderful space trading rpg from FTL. (FTL also made Dungeon Master/Chaos Strikes Back) The game scores in every way- depth, originality, graphics/sound, plot, and fun! With FTL's Zoomaction windows, the game runs very fast, and stores amazing amounts of detail into RAM. The character will run around cities; into bars, hotels, gunshops, and the like...all very-well done with lots of great NPC interaction. The game wonderfully captures the true feeling of eerie solitude the space trader in the story would really feel, and the hostility of open space and ugly cities is well rendered with cutthroats lurking in the corners, and hell-bent for cargo pirates.

This game is, in my opinion, the best game ever made, for any platform, whatsoever. (And I've played them all) There is no other game that is anything like it, you really have to play it to understand. (And you have to play it on an ST...just like everything else; it's just not the same on PaCifiST, even if it does run.)

To be presented here are tips on playing Sundog, saved games that people have sent me, screenshots, and a collection of Sundog Art.