
The Thinkroom

The purpose of this site is to help better the human race

Preface: I've had this domain for a couple of years. It used to be dedicated to personal music and lyrics, but that's pretty far behind, mostly because no one ever sees this web page. Anyway, right now 70% (any more would be a lie) of my energy is focused on the betterment of the human race. I'm tired of living in this "third world" world. I want the future, I'm tired of the fucks running things--we need change, and I'm determined to see it happen in my lifetime.


The most important thing right now is intelligent communication. I'm open to opposing ideas and thoughts as long as they follow rational thought and reasoning . This means scientific reasoning --I'm tired of wishful thinking and fallacious analysis. Don't waste my time.


Alright, so the purpose of this site is to better the human race.

I don't have the answers, but I have thoughts and begginnings, right now speculation more than anything. I hold truth as my anchor to sanity.


Thought 1: Capitalism is flawed

I am by no means an economics expert (and would love the input from one/several), but it appears that the fundamentals of capitalism are detrimental to the human race. It focuses on money and competition, and while this system does seem the best for providing incetives, it also seems to focus on working against each other rather than with each other. If every engineer and company was working with each other, sharing data, etc., how would we not have more efficient cars? Also, having a money oriented system such as capitalism automatically puts finances at the base of motives. Whatever makes the most revenue is the best choice--fuck what's good for the general populace. Why make a cure for AIDS when we can make 20X that medicating the effects/symptoms. It's this kind of fucked up mindset that's holding back our species.

Solution (I will never claim that my solutions are the best or will even work, they are merely suggestions--I EMPHASIZE THE NEED FOR OTHERS INPUT--THE THING THAT COMES FIRST IS MANKIND, NOT MY PERSONAL PHILOSOPHY/AGENDAS): Socialism or Communism. The problem with any form of government is greed. Fuck, even capitalism would work if it weren't for greed. We need to get a solution, and I need well educated economists to help me. Trust me, I'm trying to learn as much as I can but the broadness of my education/ambition limits any one field.


Thought 2: Get rid of religion

For fuck's sake, just let science take over. I used to be religious, then non-religious, and now I'm at the point of being morally and philosophically opposed to nearly all forms of organized religion. We're just lying to ourselves. But if that were it, to have religion just to let a select group be able to sleep at night, that would be fine. But these fucks are REGRESSING THE HUMAN RACE and it cannot be tolarated. Examples: discrimination against homosexuals, their fight against evolutionary theory being tought in public schools, trying to promote ideas such as a 5000 year old earth that opposes 99% of the scientific community, stopping sex education and thus increasing population--something we direly cannot have, pick your poison. Religion and all the ignorance associated with it has got to go. This regression back to apes cannot be tolerated.


Thought 3: Alternative energy

This ones going to be difficult, mostly because we live in a capitalist society, but it is essential that we get on the road to using solar energy, preferably to make each home self sufficient, but if we work off of a solar grid, that could be good as well. With this, not only will we have essentially unlimited energy to prosper as a race (imagine scientist with no energy budgets, builders, whatever you can think of--I'm talking solar/electric powered EVERYTHING) Having solar powered batterries and electric powered devices can be done right now. And with an infinite energy budget, we could become a truly great race. If you can afford, get solar panels for your house. You can probably get a full system for about ten grand, which granted is alot, but you'll be helping the demand, and hence increase the supply, lower costs, and push us faster towards the future.

This seems worth noting--what about back up fuel? While hopefully we'll still have reserve oil, I hope that we will have fully functioning and funded fusion power plants available in the event of a crisis. Unlike fission reactors (the kind we have now), fusion reactors do not require rare elements (like uranium) to undergo fusion, nor do they have near the same amounts of harmful radioactive byproducts. Probably the soundest alternative energy (next to solar) available.

More to come. I welcome your input at m i l d l y . d i s h e v e l e d @ g m a i l . c o m The spaces are to prevent spammers. Please write.