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Welcome to the home of Gilgamesh!
You are entering the realm of Lords of Magic. Enjoy your stay in Urak. You can choose from information, strategies, stories...or link to other pages! Please send any feedback on the site..

Big News!  Just yesterday, I talked with a few of the authors of our epic, and we've decided to complete it once and for all!  It's been a long time in the making, but that'll make it only that much better, I hope.  If you haven't read our epic in the fan fiction area, please do.  It's wonderful reading, even if I am a little biased.

As always, head to for any more information concerning LOM: SE, as I've heard something about more beta patches?  Ah well, so I suppose I have been a little out of it.

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Last Updated: 1/17/00 12:50 AM EST

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