Lightning Flashes across the sky as the Rains continues to come down.Looks like a Man made storm.You could feel the magic in the air.The Drow have been quiet of late,Who knows when they will appear agaain.The search for the UNDEAD CROWN continues.With the help of mighty adventurers maybe the crown could be found and The World of DarkHolm could be saved from the Drow elves.The choice is yours Mighty adventurer.Come Join us in the adventure.

DarkHolm Adventures is a PBEM game ran by me.My name is Jaime.I have been playing AD&D for over 20 years now and i have been a dm for over 10 of those years.This site is still being made so come back often.If you would like to join in the adventure you would have to email me a complete 1st to 4th level charcter.Im an easy going dm and if you want to create your own character class look down below I have a link on how to do it.I allow most every class and race.BUT be WARNED if you decide to play a monster or something like that the ODDS will be against you.The turns will be going out every tuesday and thursday night.Dont forget to sign the guestbook if your going to play so that the other players can email you and see what kind of character they will be traveling with.

Email the DMA Sample Character for the GameDifferent classes you can useTeachs you how to make your OWN classInfo on the World of DarkHolmSign The GuestBookView the GuestBookCommon Rumors you hear aroud towns and InnsBasic Maps for the AdventureSome Fantasy PicturesPlayers Characters WebPagesMy AWARDS PAGE Has Info on MOnsters Fought.Maps Found,And The Story So FarFrequently Asked Questions AnsweredDownloads for the Players That may be usefulPost a Message in My Message Board

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