Monster Truck Madness II!!

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"Dakota's Blue Sky"

Created by AlpineGZ

for more of Alpine's trucks and tracks visit his awesome site.
It is Here!!
Nascar 3 Custom Cars by AlpineGZ

Click here for more information!
If you are a past WAS_Team member, Please email me at and let me know so I can add your name to the WAS_Team Past member list!! THANKS!!

Current Teams Roster



In attempt to get this list current, I have deleted most of the Team names. If you do not see your name on the list, please email me with **"MTM2 Team Addition"** in the Subject line, and I will add you as soon as I can. If you have a WEB Page that you would like attached to your Team Name, Please include the url in the body of your email. THANKS!!

Mission Statement:
To promote and maintain good sportsmanship and
Zone conduct along with GREAT friendships thru "community spirit" and fair Tournament Action!!

You are Monster Truck Driver #

To visit this page since February 17, 1998!!



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jhonathan.jpg    Thank you, Chucklez!!

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Thank you for the memorial to my grandson, Chucklez

Other Neat Stuff!!

Major Monster Links

Please check the links below for accuracy. Some may be outdated. If you find any, please let me know. THANKS!!
MTM Index Tournies Central
Yeastman's Place MIKE'S PALACE OF MTM2®
BEEK'S Place MGD Home Page
Motor City Speedway ---- Twisted KC's Monster Truck Madness Page
MTM Central Team ASU
Chucklez MTM2 Page CavemanMTM-downloads.html
QBall's Knarly Pod MTM Page Monster Truck Madness!
MonstaDriva Spreker's RPM Page
MOP_017Ionoone The SDO Club
MTM2 Message Board Andy's poopy little site
bigdogs website


BlackHawk's MTM2 Malibu350's Garage
I2K-Inky2ooo ObeOne's MTM2 Place
birdmans homepage MTMG
Psyco's Pages MTM Workshop
The Un-named Site G K Castle


If you would like your page listed on this page, please email  your information to

Newbies, please check out KC's Rookie Page first!!

For those new to MTM2 that do not have it, here is the Podini.exe file (by Windforce) and Podmate2 by (Oliver Pieper)that are used to allow for Add-on Tracks and Trucks. Click Here for further instructions as to how to use these files.

We signed up for this site on 02/17/98 01:07:58.

A member of

Please come back soon and visit us.

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