The Return of The Crazy One!!!
Whut Da Blood Clot!!!!
I finally got around to another update. There will be more coming soon. I took out two sections of my site. The "Joints from Back in the daY" and the Freestyles sections. They were getting hard to organize. When I come up with a better way to do this I'll bring em back. I added another section though. It's an audio page. It's all my own stuff and I'll be updating it alot more often. Make sure to check that out and all the rest of the sections. This homepage is a pretty good summary of myself as an individual. I'm a very complex and spiritual person and I tried to put all of that into this website. I know it's not the best, but it's mine and I put a lot of work into it.
I'd really appreciate it if ya'll sign the guestbook and let me know what ya'll think.
You can also email me at winesett@hotmail.com.
Now check out the rest of the page.
Hot joint: K-Otix "World Renown"
These cats got a lot of potential. It's about the best hiphop I've heard in a while.

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